Okay, My suggestions:
1. Enable the spice simulator by default and start shipping it with
windows nightlies. This way we will find much more bugs. Because I doubt
everyone is running with the simulator on even on nightlies. Same goes
for the OCE and step stuff. This I see as a must to get a smoother v5
transition for most users, even those moving from v4 stable to v5 stable
without ever trying nightlies.
2. Parse the "value" field and reference in the simulator to get the
basic primitives. like Resistor and Capactiors, inductors etc, based on
the first Letter in the Reference. We already have name-dependent
functions for the differential-pair so having this here, and
3. Move the Spice_Netlist_Enabled field to a new right-side toggle menu
to select between "Spice and PCB, Spice Only, PCB only", so one can
specify if the item should be added to both the PCB and the Spice
netlist, or only one of them, by default I guess both should be enabled.
4. When the Spice_Model field is selected, the button "Edit Spice Model"
should be shown under there, instead of always on the left side. Just to
be more like the other fields.
5. Add context-menu entries and toolbar buttons for the simulator
This would make the simulator seem like its a part of kicad and not only
a strange addon that is just hackishly attached to kicad with duct-tape.
Dont get me wrong, Its an awesome feature, and works well it just looks
like an outsider when using it currently.