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Question on Connectivity Algo


When building zone connectivity, we go through the following two routines:

bool ContainsPoint( const VECTOR2I p ) const
    auto zone = static_cast<ZONE_CONTAINER*> ( Parent() );
    return m_cachedPoly->ContainsPoint( p, zone->GetMinThickness() );

int ContainsPoint( const VECTOR2I& aP, int aClearance = 0 )    // const
    if( containsPoint(aP) )
        return 1;

    if( aClearance > 0 )
        return checkClearance ( aP, aClearance );

    return 0;

Why is zone->GetMinThickness() used?  Isn’t that the minimum web thickness of the zone?

And in the second routine, why check both?  Isn’t checkClearance() a superset of containsPoint()?


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