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Re: [KiCad-developers] Hoping to contribute but I have some questions



I have read the style guide and it more or less conforms with my usual way
of doing things. The major change is the use of spaces vs tabs, which is
just a setting on my editor, and the way I always signal global variables is
slightly different. I also use a lot if inline comments.

If you could point me to some "bugs for a dummy" I'd appreciate it. It will
take me a while to understand enough to be useful but I have always found
that solving a problem is a much faster path to learning something. 

I also have to develop some sort of methodology for debugging as well as I
have only written terminal-based applications (since most of my work has
been embedded) and you just either use gdb or fling out strings using printf
when you do that. I don't know how to use gbd outside an IDE yet.

I am not a professional developer. I was a hardware designer for about 12
years but that was 25 years ago when I shifted to capital markets. I have
kept up electronics as a hobby, but I am now semi-retired and I have a lot
of catching up to do.  



-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Hillbrand <seth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: January 8, 2019 6:25 PM
To: Brian Piccioni <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: 'Wayne Stambaugh' <stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx>;
Subject: Re: [Kicad-developers] [KiCad-developers] Hoping to contribute but
I have some questions

Am 2019-01-08 17:55, schrieb Brian Piccioni:
> If there are other non-critical sub-projects I could work on in order 
> to learn, I'd be keen to have the opportunity.

Here is a link[1] to the outstanding bugs that need to be addressed prior to
version 5.1.  If you'd like to hurry along the development so that we can
open the new feature window, this is the place to start.  If you are
interested, I can point you to the ones that are probably most approachable
for someone new to the codebase.  You simply assign yourself to the bug,
recreate, fix and post the patch.  There are some stylistic guidelines[2]
that you'll want to follow while doing this.



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