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kicad-lib-committers team
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Message #00198
Re: Library convention for symbols
W dniu 25.07.2014 19:29, Carl Poirier pisze:
> In this case it's not much of a problem because the extra letters
> indicating the footprint are official names from the datasheet. But
> are there cases where a part is manufactured in many packages and
> doesn't have a distinction for it in the name?
I have never encountered a case where a major manufacturer does not
define precise name for a specific version of a device. Sometimes they
(eg Texas Instruments) are even very overzealous in this topic.
It seems to me that this can happen only in the case of small
manufacturers from the Far East, producing own things or something
under license (or not :-). Although, I put a pair of elements of
lesser-known manufacturers in the libraries and a problem in their
naming doesn't occurred.
Kerusey Karyu
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