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Page titles, headings and breadcrumbs in 3.0


Hi all,

Curtis has been claiming how there is a rule that LaunchpadForm labels
should be the same as page_title.  However, that is not written down
anywhere, yet there is a rule saying how non-index pages (basically, all
LaunchpadForm pages) should not fill the heading slot.

At the moment, with recent changes from Michael Nelson, it means that
context.title will be included as <h2> in the heading slot at all times,
right above the breadcrumbs.

So, in that case, we end up with the following situation:

 <title>Something about context.title</title>

 grandparent.displayname >>  parent.displayname >> context.displayname

 <h1>Something about context.title</h1>

Or, we'd be repeating context.title in three consecutive rows.  Also,
sometimes, context.title is going to be quite long.

For instance, a practical example:

 <title>Edit template details for "evolution-2.2" in Ubuntu Hoary
package "evolution"</title>

 <h2>Template "evolution-2.2" in Ubuntu Hoary package "evolution"</h2>
 Ubuntu >> 5.04 >> "evolution" package >> Translations >> evolution-2.2

 <h1>Edit template details for "evolution-2.2" in Ubuntu Hoary package

So, what I usually do in those cases is use a generic h1 in the document
body, eg. "Edit template details".  h2 with context.title above should
give just about enough information.

If anyone tries to enforce a rule where LaunchpadForm h1 is the same as
page_title, I'd be strongly opposed, at least until "do not fill heading
slot" rule is lifted: the two can't live together, because they'd result
in too much mess.



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