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Today's project page review


Was taking a look at https://edge.launchpad.net/lilregcleaner and had a
few bits of feedback to give on the project page; perhaps these are
small enough bits that we can address pre-3.0. Here goes:

    - First, WOW! This page looks really good! I'm happy to see the
      results of the design cycles we did on it.

    - A few improvements related to the downloads section:

        * The links are downloaded, and they shouldn't be.

        * The font for the files is too big, which leads to them being
          super-truncated. I think the middle of the filename could be
          truncated when too long (Little_[...]_3.0.tgz).

        * The downloads are for a single release, but it doesn't say
          anywhere what release it is for! One way to render it would be
          with the the "released on" text, such as

            for version 1.3.3, released on 2009-07-30

          I'm pretty sure that will wrap; maybe the right way to handle
          this is to use two separate lines, maybe the right way to
          handle it is to put the version at the top:

            (for version 1.3.3)
            |                     |
            |                     |
            |                     |
            released on 2009-07-30

        * When there are no downloads, the section looks a bit wonky:


          I wonder if the right solution to this problem is to say "No
          downloads registered" and "No releases registered" to
          non-owners, and "Add release" and "Add download files" to
          owners. Or if we should just omit the section.

    - The FAQs section says "List all FAQs" but the others say "All
      questions", etc.

    - The Series and milestones graph looks much better, and I'm happy
      that the spacing and ordering works well enough, but the legend
      "trunk" is at the beginning of the graph and that gets truncated
      in the default rendering.

      It appears we're defaulting the graph to showing centralized; why
      don't we show it by default right-aligned, so the latest versions
      appear there?

      We had considered for projects with lots of series, like bzr,
      rendering a taller viewport for it. Does that still make sense?

    - The project title is repeated. Not only that, but it is also
      editable in one place, but not in the other, and when you update
      it, it doesn't update the second instance.

      How to solve this is an interesting problem; perhaps the right way
      is to allow the actual top-level title to be editable when the
      content is editable, and have a customized callback hook per

      (The project display name still exists. Does that still need to

    - The Get Involved section buttons are almost there but not exactly
      there yet:

        * The underlining is a bit distracting; if you think
          highlighting the whole row in gray works, let's do that.

        * There is a horizontal line after the last item, which we
          should omit.

        * I think the font of the heading of that section is a bit too
          large, and the background being white seems to imply to me
          it's also a link, where it's actually a heading.

    - When an announcement is truncated, I kind of miss a [more] link at
      the end of the ellipsis. Is that not standard, or do we have a

Good work!
Christian Robottom Reis | [+55 16] 3376 0125 | http://launchpad.net/~kiko
                        | [+55 16] 9112 6430 | http://async.com.br/~kiko

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