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Re: Error during Launchpad environment setup (was Fwd: Traceback)


Michael Hudson wrote:

Would it make sense to have a zc.buildout-managed postgres instance?
It's not hard to set up a local cluster, under the current system user's
id, with a Unix-domain socket--something I've been wanting for a long
time but never got around to working on.  The "all your db are belong to
us" assumptions we have now are really ugly.

Yes please.  This is related to bug #107371 ("Make the test suite able
to be run in parallel on a single machine",

Stub made a very sensible observation about this that I'd missed completely: there's nothing stopping us from setting up separate, user-owned database clusters _using the system-wide installed postgres_. We can run it using our own private configuration files etc.

So no buildout needed, really.  We'd still get pretty much all the benefits.

