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Re: Help with branching libgksu

Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> If you think that, at some point, you would get write access to gksu 
> repository,

(I seriously doubt that. :-D)

> maybe you would be interested on use bzr-svn. That bazaar plugin
> provides you the feature of branch directly from a subversion 
> repository but keep working with bazaar branches. Once your branch is
>  ready, you can do a direct commit from your Bazaar tree into
> Subversion directly.

Yep, I already use bzr-svn for one of my software projects, which is
stored in an SVN repository. It's very handy for when I'm going to be
offline for a few hours, and allows me to buffer up my commits until I
get back online.

Jeremy Visser

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