On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 05:59:41PM +0000, Matthew East wrote: > On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 1:21 PM, HggdH <hggdh2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > On Mon, 2008-02-25 at 12:31 +0000, Matthew Revell wrote: > > Matthew, this is exactly my point: if you trust someone to provide the > > real name (but (can|elect) not to check it), then there is no real need > > to ask for a real name. I prefer to be honest also -- and this forced me > > to withdraw. > > I sympathise with your problem and agree with your position. However, > I have the feeling from your email that you are eliding Canonical with > Ubuntu a little too closely - I hope that the inability to participate > in the Launchpad beta tester program has not affected your > participation in Ubuntu. > > Don't forget that while funded by the same company, Launchpad is a > separate project to Ubuntu and does not have common decision making > processes. If a Launchpad policy begins to affect Ubuntu as a project, > then of course the two projects will get together and discuss those > issues, but it seems to me that this particular issue only affects > participation in the Launchpad project. It's not something that the > Ubuntu project has a say in. Yes, Launchad is independent and can set its own processes. I think it would get more support if they made more sense, and as I wrote before, I think resolving this sort of problem with a federated identity scheme would benefit all of us. But hey, I think that about a lot of stuff out there I don't agree with, and I'm pretty picky and opinionated :-) But this is also about the Fridge, which is part of Ubuntu, as Vid pointed out in this same thread: On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 11:20:15PM -0800, Vid Ayer wrote: > I'd like to add my zero paise worth here because I believe a part of > this discussion is indirectly related... it started when the fridge > editors (I am one) were required to be a part of the LP-beta testers > team and I offered to leave the team because I have been rejected from > the team for not agreeing to the real name policy. One of the > Canonical employees was nice enough to understand my points, take up > the issue but was unable to change the real name policy, which I > believe is the *best* way to lose technical contributors. Where does this aspect of the problem stand? Why do the fridge editors need to be part of lp-beta? If they do, why does this policy affect them? Neal McBurnett http://mcburnett.org/neal/
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