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Re: Beta testing: Launchpad is now an OpenID provider

On Thu, 2008-04-03 at 11:39 -0500, Pedro Alejandro Lopez-Valencia wrote:
> Yet, it would be interesting to have launchpad be an OpenID consumer on
> a project by project and a producer by producer basis. Hypothetically
> speaking, let's say the Ubuntu project could consume OpenIDs produced by
> ubuntuforums and accept them for bug reporting and commenting
> exclusively. That would be an integration tool to embrace other sectors
> of the community that do not participate in bug reporting (but do engage
> in bickering and dead horse flogging in endless discussion threads:
> "Dear Developers I have this bug...").

Don't worry, plenty of that already filters down to the bug tracker.
Bruce Cowan <bcowan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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