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Re: Mailing list time

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 7:26 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hmm... by member do you mean each individual *must* have an LP account
> > and must join (say) TeamA on LP and *only* then they will be allowed
> > to use TeamA's mailing list? If yes, then I see a lot of potential
> > trouble explaining and implementing this.
> >
>  This is true for Launchpad mailing lists currently.

Is it possible to migrate existing subscribers to the LP lists without
them having to jump hoops -- register and get an LP account and then
join the team just so that they can post to the mailing list. Most
people may not want to jump hoops. Has that been considered ?

>  Absolutely.  Use of Launchpad mailing lists is entirely optional, and
> really separate from Ubuntu mailing lists.  We have plans for making things
> smoother and more attractive for those Ubuntu teams that /want/ to use
> Launchpad, but it will not be required.  Disclaimer: I am not a policy maker
> (ANAPM :).
>  If you think of Launchpad mailing lists outside of the Ubuntu sphere, they
> are really a great convenience for open source projects to build communities
> without having to deploy and maintain their own complicated mail
> infrastructure.

afaik, currently the list infrastructure is not privately managed
(read volunteers). So can you please elaborate on the above.
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