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Re: Calling translators for BillReminder

În data de Mi, 02-07-2008 la 08:50 -0400, Og Maciel a scris:
> On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 2:37 AM, Adi Roiban <adi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I would be very useful to have a page where we can see all packages with
> > new suggestions for a specific language.
> As far as I know, the only way right now is to constantly check your
> language "home" page and search for translations that need review:
> It is a lot of work but...
I'm also doing this but there are about 1400 packages and i don't want
to overload the servers.

This is valid only for templates included in ubuntu distribuion and not
templates from other projects (ex BillReminder)

> > At least for the Romanian team the communication is almost nonexistent and people
> > are adding suggestions without asking to be approved.
> What we have done for the Brazilian team was create a wiki page with a
> list of the packages we think people should focus on translating. We
> ask people to add their names to the packages they want to "adopt" and
> they become responsible for emailing the entire team when they're
> finished (they can also email asking for help). Then one of the
> official members reviews the work and applies them, as well as provide
> valuable feedback to the volunteer.
We also have such a wiki page and a forum for discussion this issues.

But people who are not member of Ubuntu Romanian Team or are not very
actuive don't use wikis or forums.
Also while templates are updated from upstream some translations are
marked as "Need review". In this case is very hard to know what package
needs a review. 

I hope soon we will have bug #113392 in Launchpad Translations solved.

> Cheers,
Adi Roiban

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