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Re: BSD licence

Danilo Šegan wrote:
> On Tuesday at 18:53, Bruno Patri wrote:
> >
> > "I disclaim all copyright interest in my works, which consist of
> > translation of portions of free software programs from one human
> > language to another human language,
> This ("I disclaim...") means that you are putting your
> translations in public domain.

Taken by itself it would, but it is preceded by "I [...] do hereby 
acknowledge to the Free Software Foundation".  The disclaimer says 
this only to the FSF.  No maker of a proprietary program can show 
in court a signed document that says I have disclaimed the interest 
in my copyright on the strings found in their hypothetical program.

So it would be good to adjust the fourth item in the licensing FAQ a 
little: -- 
maybe "Why no signed disclaimers like for FSF programs?"  And then 
say that it is too much hassle to get and keep a signed document 
from every contributor?

Please notice that it is not the Translation Project that asks for a 
disclaimer, but the FSF, for all the programs that it owns.  At the 
TP there are many packages (about 90 of the 150) that don't require 
a disclaimer.

Also notice that translators disclaim the _interest in their 
copyright, not the copyright itself.  So they get to keep that.  
To lawyers this appears to make a difference.


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