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Re: exposing me too to users?

On Sat, 15 Nov 2008 11:34:00 +0530
shirish <shirishag75@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi all,
>  I would be just happy with having raw numbers of people who have the
> same bug.

Hi shirish,

If you're a user of the Launchpad API then you can get hold of these
numbers as the users_affected_count and users_unaffected_count
properties of a bug.

When using launchpadlib that translates to something like:

  >>> from launchpadlib.launchpad import (
  ...     Launchpad, EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT)
  >>> launchpad = Launchpad.get_token_and_login(
  ...   'just testing', EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT)
  >>> bug = launchpad.bugs[297158]
  >>> bug.users_affected_count
  >>> bug.users_unaffected_count

I hope that's useful to you.


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