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Re: "Abuse" of Contact User feature

On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 17:13 -0500, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Dec 1, 2008, at 3:26 PM, Curtis Hovey wrote:
> > We are discussing this as a option. We may want the behaviour to be
> > different depending upon the contacter's membership in the team:
> >
> > a) team member may contact the whole team.
> >   Even if the whole team has a mailing list, not every member will be
> >   subscribed to it.
> Yes, but if the contact address is set to the team's mailing list,  
> those non-members would still not get the contact email.

Which was a point a I made earlier. This feature is fundamentally

I think "Contact a user" is a well defined and well implemented story.

"Contact a team" is a separate story with different concerns and
requirements, of which we do not yet have a definition of. I would be
happy to remove  this feature from teams. Once we have one or more use
cases for contacting the entire team, we can implement the feature
correctly. For the time being we have added a feature to teams that we
are unsure as to who needs it and why.

> > b) non-team members may contact the team owner.
> >   The owner may choose to reply the email, to delegate it to someone
> >   else.
> That's a possibility too.
> - -Barry
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__Curtis C. Hovey_________

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