-------------------------------------------------- From: "Edwin Grubbs" <edwin.grubbs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 5:49 PM To: "Álvaro García" <alvar_sa@xxxxxxxxxxx> Cc: <launchpad-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Subject: Re: [Launchpad-users] how to recover /etc/shadow file from single usermode
On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Álvaro García<alvar_sa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:-------------------------------------------------- From: "saikat" <saikat.80in@xxxxxxxxx> Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 1:47 PM To: "Launchpad Users" <launchpad-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: [Launchpad-users] how to recover /etc/shadow file from single usermodeHi, I have forgotten the root passwod in my system. I have installed ubuntu 9.04. The /etc/shadow file also been corrupted. Now please let me know how I can recover the file from single user mode?Ubuntu does not have a root user, but a root group. Any user that is on the root group is able to login as root (this means, having to use sudo or anyother thrust level elevation tool/command.)That's not true. If there wasn't a root user, there would be nothing to sudo to. All you need to be able to log in as root without using sudo is to set the password for the root user. Saikat, you can get a shell without having to enter the root password by editing the grub config at boot time. 1. At the grub screen, hit 'e' to edit the config. 2. Use the arrow keys to move to the line that starts with "kernel". 3. Hit 'e' to edit it. 4. Append " init=/bin/bash" to the line. 5. Hit Enter. 6. Hit 'b' to boot. -Edwin
Thanks for clearing that, I thought the root user had been moved into a group in Ubuntu as I have seen the root group, but not the user. Perhaps I did not aim my eyes in correctly in order to see that. It was strange to me, as in many other distros I knew about the root user, but as I did not saw it on Ubuntu...
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