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Re: [Launchpad-users] Why is the URL of launchpad user mailman interface resolving to something else.

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Karl Fogel wrote on 03/08/09 04:41:
> One the one hand, having per-month indexes often introduces one more
> page to click through before you can get to a recent message (see
> above about jumping to recent posts).  On the other hand, if the
> message you want is from the distant past, you have to do a binary
> search to find out what page it's on, instead of just jumping to the
> month you know it was sent in.

This needn't be an either/or choice. The initial archive page could
directly list all the messages, with month headings, from however many
months comes closest to the maximum messages per page. (For example if
the maximum is 500 messages per page, and there have been 467 messages
since June 1st and 511 since May 1st, list all messages from June 1st
onwards on the first page.) That list could be followed by links to
dedicated pages for earlier months.

The History menus in Camino and Safari demonstrate how this kind of
receding chronological list can work, in their case using days rather
than months.

- --
Matthew Paul Thomas
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