On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Karl Fogel<karl.fogel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > With the 3.0 release coming up soon, we're beginning the 4.0 planning > process. To help with prioritization, we'd like to know your top 3 > wishes for Launchpad 4.0. Please follow up in this thread, and... > 1. Performance. It seems like there has been some progress here, but since you all rock I know you can do even better. ;-) Three random bug pages: <!-- at least 84 queries issued in 3.12 seconds --> <!-- Launchpad 2.2.6 (r8327) --> <!-- at least 82 queries issued in 4.32 seconds --> <!-- Launchpad 2.2.6 (r8327) --> <!-- at least 71 queries issued in 4.16 seconds --> <!-- Launchpad 2.2.6 (r8327) --> 2. I've always thought that it would be nice if your profile page (don't know what your terminology is, but I mean e.g https://launchpad.net/~andrewsomething) was more of a dash-board when logged in. The current view would be your public face, but when logged in it would present you with information directly relevant to you: most recent comments on subscribed bug, recent commits, display assigned bugs in a todo list fashion, ect... I know where I live and what my email address / irc nick / jabber nick / OpenPGP key are. I know what languages I speak and what teams I belong to. Currently the profile page isn't useful at all for its owner. 3. Debian PPAs - https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/188564 - Andrew Starr-Bochicchio
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