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Re: [Launchpad-users] Your top three wishes for Launchpad? (4.0 planning)

Addition in-line :-

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 04:10, Christian Robottom
Reis<kiko@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 11:36:05PM +0100, Alan Pope wrote:
>> 3. Hardware registration database to allow users to easily send data
>> about their system to lp for answers. A kind of apport for answers.
> Surprisingly, we have half of this with hwtest; the only bit missing is
> updating the UI and perhaps allowing hw profiles to be linked to
> answers.

That would be sweet, but no coder :(

> Patches welcome (you knew it was coming, but man, it's been years I've
> been waiting to say it!)
> --
> Christian Robottom Reis | [+55 16] 3376 0125 |
>                        | [+55 16] 9112 6430 |

          Shirish Agarwal
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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