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Re: [Launchpad-users] Your top three wishes for Launchpad? (4.0 planning)

Citando Max Bowsher <maxb@xxxxxxx>:

Fabio Pedretti wrote:
It would be nice to extend the "Copy packages" feature to be able to
also copy packages from Ubuntu repositories to PPAs.

This feature actually exists, it's just been kind of deliberately buried
because the "copy packages" page usually times out because of the sheer
number of packages in Ubuntu. If you happen to know to construct an URL
you can actually copy packages from the primary archive to PPAs (you
need to fill in the filters to narrow the package selection enough for
the page to not time out).

Nice, I didn't know of that feature.


That would be
useful to easily backport packages from the development version to the
stable versions.

*Please* do not use this for backporting packages.

If you do copy source into a previous series, then the result will be
packages built in the previous series environment but which have the
same version number as the official packages.

As a result, when someone installs the 'backported' packages and then
later upgrades to the Ubuntu release they were backported from, those
packages will *not* get upgraded, potentially leading to all kinds of
bizarre and really difficult to debug problems.

This is why any backport should always use a ~foo version suffix.

It would be nice if that could be automagically added when copying packages to older series than that the package come from. Or is this asking too much?

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