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Re: [Launchpad-users] Your top three wishes for Launchpad? (4.0 planning)

Julian Edwards wrote:
> On Thursday 03 September 2009 08:36:11 Fabio Pedretti wrote:
>> Citando Max Bowsher <maxb@xxxxxxx>:
>>> Fabio Pedretti wrote:
>>>> It would be nice to extend the "Copy packages" feature to be able to
>>>> also copy packages from Ubuntu repositories to PPAs.
>>> This feature actually exists, it's just been kind of deliberately buried
>>> because the "copy packages" page usually times out because of the sheer
>>> number of packages in Ubuntu. If you happen to know to construct an URL
>>> like
>>> ilter=quilt&field.series_filter=karmic you can actually copy packages from
>>> the primary archive to PPAs (you need to fill in the filters to narrow
>>> the package selection enough for the page to not time out).
>> Nice, I didn't know of that feature.
> This page is not a feature and has only appeared as an artefact of adding a 
> traversal for the webservice, please DO NOT USE IT.  Please use the webservice 
> API call to syncSource() as I previously asked.
> The page adds a large load on our servers as it uses the PPA page template 
> which was not designed for an archive the size of Ubuntu's.  Playing around 
> with filters to stop it timing out only exacerbates the situation.
> I will be disabling this page in due course.

Well, huh. It's not something I've needed to use often, but it was very
useful the one time I wanted it, and it would have been irksome to have
to write a script just to do a one-time operation.

Obviously it's not well-linked because it's not polished enough for
general use, but is it really necessary to disable it outright?

If it was never noticed until I called attention to it, presumably the
load can't be too bad.


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