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Re: [Launchpad-users] Uploading/copying PPA pkgs for multiple releases

On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 18:09 -0300, Celso Providelo wrote:
> Michael,
> Currently you cannot rebuild a source to more than one distroseries
> without changing the source version, i.e uploading a new source.
> That's because the same source version built in another series would
> result in binary files that cannot be published in the repository,
> since it uses a pool/ directory.
> There is a bug open to support binary rebuilds without requiring
> source changes:
> An there is also something more interesting for binary propagation
> across distroseries:
> Stay tuned with the changes coming, we will solve your problem soon. 

Excellent.  Thank you.

I suppose in the meantime, I can do things like make the version string
1:0.7.4dev~ppa0+jaunty and 1:0.7.4dev~ppa0+karmic, right?  Not that I'm
going to re-upload the one I did for Karmic... that would just be


I remembered to hit reply-all!

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