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Re: [Launchpad-users] Uploading/copying PPA pkgs for multiple releases

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 6:14 PM, Michael B. Trausch<mbt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 18:09 -0300, Celso Providelo wrote:
>> Michael,
>> Currently you cannot rebuild a source to more than one distroseries
>> without changing the source version, i.e uploading a new source.
>> That's because the same source version built in another series would
>> result in binary files that cannot be published in the repository,
>> since it uses a pool/ directory.
>> There is a bug open to support binary rebuilds without requiring
>> source changes:
>> An there is also something more interesting for binary propagation
>> across distroseries:
>> Stay tuned with the changes coming, we will solve your problem soon.
> Excellent.  Thank you.
> I suppose in the meantime, I can do things like make the version string
> 1:0.7.4dev~ppa0+jaunty and 1:0.7.4dev~ppa0+karmic, right?  Not that I'm
> going to re-upload the one I did for Karmic... that would just be
> wasteful.

Right, changing the version implies in creating a new source package anyways.

And if you want to preserve an upgrade path from jaunty to karmic (I
know you do, specially now that karmic about to be released) you may
upload new and consistent versions to jaunty and karmic almost

Note that $version+jaunty < $version+karmic, so it will upgrade fine.

In the meantime, while we don't get the bugs fixed, you could use to automate this procedure.

Celso Providelo <celso.providelo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
IRC: cprov,  Jabber: cprov@xxxxxxxxxx, Skype: cprovidelo
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