On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 06:03:21AM -0700, Richard Wilbur wrote: > What about making several (configurable?) bug views? They could be > custom categories configurable on a project-wide or developer-specific > basis to accommodate different workflows. These could be available from > a drop-down selection and provide bookmark-friendly URLs. Then the > project leader is spared the extra overhead of assigning and reassigning > everyone on their team specific roles in Launchpad simply to enable > access to particular bug views as interests, capabilities, and > availabilities change. Moreover, if I understand Robert correctly, his > workflow would specifically use three of these pages, whereas the Ubuntu > workflow would assign one of those three pages to the bug triage team. I think this is solved by one of the planned features we have which I am now dubbing "bug hoards", in which you manually assemble sets of bugs into named hoards, which can be shared between teams. A milestone listing would be just a custom instance of a hoard (with milestone-specific UI). > My workflow as a developer is similar in that I want to find the oldest > or newest untriaged bugs when I wish to see alternately what is > languishing in the bug queue and what has just landed. Preparing for a > release, I want to see what are the most vital bugs to solve before the > code freeze. The other set of features that needs working on here is around searching: a proper search customization UI, saveable (and shareable) searches, and visible feedback of active search terms. -- Christian Robottom Reis | [+55 16] 3376 0125 | http://launchpad.net/~kiko | [+55 16] 9112 6430 | http://async.com.br/~kiko
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