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Re: [Launchpad-users] Your thought wanted on Launchpad code imports

On Thu, 2009-10-29 at 09:47 -0700, Charlie Poole wrote:
> Hi Martin, 
> > To guide our future work, we'd like some feedback on this 
> > area of Launchpad in particular - please just reply with your answers:
> > 
> > * Have you ever used imported branches? Do you use this frequently?
yes, I use them frequently, importing from GNOME Git server
(couchdb-glib and evolution-couchdb modules)

> > * If you've used it in the past but no longer use it, why?
> > * When you use imports, what are you trying to accomplish?
review of branches though launchpad. We just create branches from the
imported tree and submit those for review, and, once approved, we land
them on the git server manually

> > * Do you find the service reliable?  What problems do you 
> > encounter, and how often?
the importing works great, although it just imports from git master,
which means that, once I branched in GNOME Git for the stable version,
we could no longer use the review process in LP, since git master
contained the unstable version. We had to resort to manual reviews
(sending patches to mailing list)

> > * Did you ever ask for a new branch to be imported, and if so 
> > how did that work out?
not sure what this means, but as I said, I couldn't import a branch
other than master in the git server, so it would be great if it could
import those

> > * If you encountered problems, did you ask for help or look 
> > at the documentation?  Where did you look, and did it solve 
> > your problem?
asked for help most of the time, and had great, and quick, answers every

> > * Would improving imports help your use of Launchpad a lot, a 
> > bit, or not at all?  What areas or aspects would be most 
> > important to improve?
I am mostly happy with the importing, except from the already mentioned

Also, being able to have the commit from LP to GIT done automatically
once the branch is approved would be a great thing, although it's ok if
I have to keep doing it manually.


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