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Re: [Launchpad-users] Your thought wanted on Launchpad code imports

Hi Martin,

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Martin Pool <mbp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> * Have you ever used imported branches? Do you use this frequently?

Yes and somewhat.

> * When you use imports, what are you trying to accomplish?

I want source code in bzr branches, as much as possible.  I also
want to use Launchpad as my "gateway to free software" and try to
get everything I'm interested in from it.  The things I import tend
to be source code dependencies I want to develop with.  I want to
build them, hack on them and easily update them.  In a number of
cases I've registered projects, just so that I could register a

> * Do you find the service reliable?  What problems do you encounter,
> and how often?

I find it reliable.  Occasionally I've seen failures with very old
CVS repositories (GDB I think is one).

> * Did you ever ask for a new branch to be imported, and if so how did
> that work out?

Yes and it's worked out fine.

> * If you encountered problems, did you ask for help or look at the
> documentation?  Where did you look, and did it solve your problem?

I've chatted up Launchpad admins about problems I've seen.  In cases
where easy resolution was possible (like discovering I entered the
wrong URL for an SVN import), things have gone well.

> * Would improving imports help your use of Launchpad a lot, a bit, or
> not at all?  What areas or aspects would be most important to improve?

It's a feature I rely on to create the set of source code I use to
develop with, so improvements are welcome. :)

> * Any other comments?

In the past I've asked about the etiquette of registering projects
just for the purposes of registering a VCS import.  The answer I
received was, "It's okay, but if the upstream ever wants to take
control of the project we expect you to hand it over."  This is
totally fine with me, I would be happy if an upstream wanted to take
over a project I'd registered, but I do wonder if there would be any
benefit in making it more clear that a project is just in place for
a VCS import...?  Or in making it possible to register a VCS import
without having a project in place (that might be more confusing)...?


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