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Re: [Launchpad-users] Your thought wanted on Launchpad code imports

On Thursday 29 October 2009 13:17:53 Martin Pool wrote:
> Launchpad offers the feature of mirroring branches from cvs, svn and
> git into bzr.  You can use Bazaar to inspect, branch from, and push
> derived branches up to Launchpad, from where they can be linked to
> bugs, code reviews and so on.  (See
> <>.)  We plan in future to also
> add hg imports based on bzr-hg.
> To guide our future work, we'd like some feedback on this area of
> Launchpad in particular - please just reply with your answers:

I did not use any of the above mentioned importing tools, so I probably should 
not answer this form at all.
> * Have you ever used imported branches? Do you use this frequently?

I am using branches imported from svn, but I only used the HEAD of each and 
> * If you've used it in the past but no longer use it, why?

It's a one off job as I expect to continue development on Launchpad for now and 
for "ever".
> * When you use imports, what are you trying to accomplish?

I am attracted by the ubuntu community and expect more interaction with and 
benefit from wider range of knowledge of this community.
> * Do you find the service reliable?  What problems do you encounter,
> and how often?

The service is nothing short of *brilliant.*
> * Did you ever ask for a new branch to be imported, and if so how did
> that work out?

> * If you encountered problems, did you ask for help or look at the
> documentation?  Where did you look, and did it solve your problem?

Yes. I looked and liked the documentation. Also I asked for help and not once 
was it declined. 
> * Would improving imports help your use of Launchpad a lot, a bit, or
> not at all?  What areas or aspects would be most important to improve?

Not at all.
> * Any other comments?

The ability to *record* the log data from svn IMO was very useful.  I seldom 
if ever use the ability of VCS to go to an earlier version of program, but find 
the records of it useful.

Algis Kabaila, MEngSc, PhD(Eng)

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