On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 10:17 PM, Martin Pool <mbp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Launchpad offers the feature of mirroring branches from cvs, svn and > git into bzr. You can use Bazaar to inspect, branch from, and push > derived branches up to Launchpad, from where they can be linked to > bugs, code reviews and so on. (See > <https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Imports>.) We plan in future to also > add hg imports based on bzr-hg. > > To guide our future work, we'd like some feedback on this area of > Launchpad in particular - please just reply with your answers: > > * Have you ever used imported branches? Do you use this frequently? Yes and yes,,. > * When you use imports, what are you trying to accomplish? I have a number of different use cases. My most common one is that as I maintain my debian packages in bzr, mirroring the upstream vcs in bzr is extremely helpful. Mainly it allows me you do automated builds of trunk by merging my packaging. It also helps me introduce LP features to my upstreams. For instance, I maintain Imagination (a DVD slide-show maker) in Debian so I had an import of the svn branch on LP. I was able to help upstream by setting up translations with Rosetta. Changes that upstream makes in svn are automatically mirrored on LP and imported into Rosetta. > * Do you find the service reliable? What problems do you encounter, > and how often? Except for one case, it has always "just worked." Apparently there are issues with importing large branches from Google Code. See: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/78630 https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/120992 https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gnome-colors/trunk > * Did you ever ask for a new branch to be imported, and if so how did > that work out? Always great except for the above case. > * If you encountered problems, did you ask for help or look at the > documentation? Where did you look, and did it solve your problem? Again, see above. Launchpad devs have always been incredibly helpful using Answers. > * Would improving imports help your use of Launchpad a lot, a bit, or > not at all? What areas or aspects would be most important to improve? > * Any other comments? As I've said, for the most part it has always "just worked." I'm very satisfied by this service, and it is already incredible useful for my work. I can really think of any specific requests regarding technical functions. It would be nice to get all the GNOME mirrors cleaned up. Most still seem to point to the old svn locations. Should individual request be opened for each? Any way I can help? Just to pick two at random: lp:metacity points to http://svn.gnome.org/svn/metacity/trunk lp:nautilus points to http://svn.gnome.org/svn/nautilus/trunk Thanks! - Andrew
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