On Thu, 2009-10-29 at 13:17 +1100, Martin Pool wrote: [...] > * Have you ever used imported branches? Do you use this frequently? I have never imported a branch on Launchpad but I tried importing a branch from the CVS trunk to bzr at work a couple of years ago. I had bzr on my work Linux machine (running Ubuntu) and was able to import but I didn't figure out how to merge my changes easily back from bzr into the CVS trunk. I am interested in importing some software from CVS, svn, or git repositories that seem inactive on other hosting sites to jumpstart development of some useful projects on Launchpad under bzr. With the recent advances in bzr import capability, I believe this could be a valid option. > * If you've used it in the past but no longer use it, why? Although I am familiar with CVS, gaining familiarity with bzr, and developing a growing preference for working in bzr, the barrier to contributing from bzr back into CVS a couple of years ago looked rather forbidding. Hosting new development in Launchpad under bzr doesn't suffer this problem. > * When you use imports, what are you trying to accomplish? Enable myself to develop software in the more enlightened and enjoyable framework of the bzr version control system. Make it easier to collaborate on a project because of the support for distributed development in bzr and the wonderful facilities for managing bugs, new ideas (blueprints), more- and less-frequently asked questions (answers), translations, code reviews, and releases in Launchpad. > * Do you find the service reliable? What problems do you encounter, > and how often? > * Did you ever ask for a new branch to be imported, and if so how did > that work out? > * If you encountered problems, did you ask for help or look at them > documentation? Where did you look, and did it solve your problem? I looked at the bazaar-vcs.org wiki. Still couldn't figure out how to work in a bzr bayou on the edge of a CVS ocean. > * Would improving imports help your use of Launchpad a lot, a bit, or > not at all? What areas or aspects would be most important to improve? Probably the most important improvement I can think of would be more transparent, natural tag support. A number of projects I have worked on used tags in CVS to label source releases. > * Any other comments? I have seen many wonderful improvements in capability, speed and space-efficiency since I first got involved with the bzr project three years ago. Great job, ladies and gentlemen! I look forward to learning more about Python, bzr, Launchpad, and test-driven development as I expect to be able to contribute a few things in the near future. Richard -- PGP public key at http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xA7CEB3C711AFF0B0
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