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Re: [Launchpad-users] Upload on ppa Launchpad

Natal Ngétal wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been trying to create a PPA but had some problems...
> I'm trying to send a deb package I made for a Perl lib on a PPA (
> I have created.
> I created a ~/ file like this:
>> [curses-toolkit]
>> fqdn =
>> method = ftp
>> incoming = ~hobbestigrou/curses-toolkit/ubuntu
>> login = anonymous
>> allow_unsigned_uploads = 0
> It's the first time I use dput, but I don't think there is a mistake in it.

Looks fine, but note that on any recent Ubuntu distro, if you are
willing to type the slightly longer command:

  dput ppa:hobbestigrou/curses-toolkit whatever.changes

then you don't even need a file at all.

> It looks like everything went well:
>> Good signature on
>> projets/deb/curses-toolkit/libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2.dsc
>> Uploading to curses-toolkit (via ftp to
>> Uploading libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2.dsc: done.
>> Uploading libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2.tar.gz: done.
>> Uploading libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2_all.deb: done.
>> Uploading libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2_i386.changes: done.
>> Successfully uploaded packages.

In addition to what Julian has already said, Launchpad will not accept
uploads containing binary packages (.deb files). You MUST perform a
source-only build (use the -S option to dpkg-buildpackage or debuild)
for uploads to Launchpad.

Furthermore, you probably didn't intend to structure your package as a
"native" package - i.e. all in one tarball, instead of the more usual
upstream-tarball and debian-diff. To avoid this happening, ensure that a
properly named upstream tarball (i.e.
libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000.orig.tar.gz) exists next to your source
directory when running dpkg-buildpackage or similar.

> Indeed, if I try running again dput, I get a message telling me the package
> is already on Launchpad:
>> Already uploaded to curses-toolkit on
>> Doing nothing for libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2_i386.changes

Please note that this is just dput noticing that there is an .upload
flag file locally, it is not checking remotely at all.

> So it looks like everything went weel, but the package doesn't appear on the
> page!

Hopefully Julian's response will help your immediate issue.


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