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Re: [Lxde-list] Plan to postpond the release of PCManFM 1.0


On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 6:47 AM, Julien Lavergne <gilir@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks for the update.
> Is it the new udisks support which is problematic, or is it more
> general ?
>From most user feedback this part works well.
I just did a little fix in the git repo to make it start faster.
> Le lundi 09 août 2010 à 05:20 +0800, PCMan a écrit :
>> Yes, it's possible that Lubuntu 10.10 may not be able to ship the
>> final stable release.
> If you don't plan to add features, I can update libfm/pcmanfm even if we
> are close to the release. But it's important to be in "bug fix only"
> mode.
> FYI, we'll be in Feature Freeze next week.
Sorry I can't make it. There are just too many things to fix, but I'll
do my best.
>> I won't break backward compatability in the coming month. Everything
>> should just work as usual or better.
>> Anyway, I'm going to do this in a branch first. Later if things are
>> ok, merge it with master branch.
> I don't think it's really necessary if you only plan to fix bugs, unless
> the changes have potential stability impacts.
> Regards,
> Julien Lavergne
