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On 11/4/11 8:46 AM, Julien Lavergne wrote:
On Fri, 04 Nov 2011 08:24:57 -0700
∅<maps.backward@xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
At the time I wrote to the list, the only available PPC ISO was an old
daily, NOT the most current. Also, there still has never been an
official release build of Oneiric. At this time, I see 12.04 in the
dailies. So I'd be happy to test that but I'd like to write instructions
for Oneiric. Any chance of getting an official release build?
What do you mean by old ? If it's around October 10, it's the last daily build of Oneiric, so the most up-to-date you can have for 11.10. It's not possible to have an official release for Oneiric, you can only try to use the last ISO.
That's about right. Unfortunately, it's gone now, so I can't check it. Which makes me wonder about the utility of even having instructions made. Sigh. Maybe that's what Phill meant about hosting? Perhaps I can do a remaster. As long as someone can host it!
For 12.04, you can test dailies later (it's not useful right now, it's too early in the cycle). It's more important to test ISO before developement release (Alpha, Beta ...).
Just say the word. I will happily help in any way I can in regards to PPC usage. That being said, I'm refurbishing a ThinkPad R60 so it looks like I might actually have an official Lubuntu with official support for once ;)
