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Ok, the changes to the tracker have landed. Thank you Stephane! Here's a short changelist: subscriptions page works better subscriptions report download availability data (no more 404 errors!) time filtering for history and top testers FAMILY placeholder in testcases (working support for flavors!) testcases collapsed by defaultCSS from Pasi (new look to be feature in testcases; will take some time to update the old cases)
better handling of testcase without link Nicholas On 09/18/2012 01:34 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
Thanks to everyone who is stepping forward to help with this. I have put together a page so everyone can see what's happening with the testcases this week:, our goal is to finish the items listed for beta2 this week :-) You might see your name under some work items. If you put forth interest in helping, I've added you ;-) Please do take a look and get started on what's been assigned. If your not on the list, it's not too late. Email me your interest, and I can help you get started.Also, I'd like to let everyone know the changes mentioned in the bug reports on my first email are coming along. Thank you stgraber for helping to get these out! You can see the changes in action on the staging site here: one is for ubuntu and the other xubuntu, they are using the same testcase -- AND the xubuntu testcase reads 'xubuntu' properly instead of ubuntu! Now we have better support for re-using the testcase across the flavors. In addition, the testcase is now folded by default to make it easier to report results without scrolling through the testcase first. Finally, here's a preview of knome's work to make our testcases more readable in the tool:'ll be doing work to switch over the testcases after beta 2. Thanks! Nicholas On 09/13/2012 11:38 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:On Thursday, September 13, 2012 06:27:40 PM Nicholas Skaggs wrote:Ok, feature freeze and beta1 craziness is now behind us. Some of you mayFor Kubuntu, it looks like the KDE U/I for the lvm and encryption changes will land before beta 2, so we'll need to make sure those test cases appear for Kubuntu live images as well. We're also likely to drop the alternates during beta 2 if we get a fully qualified set of desktop images, so we'd also need thehave noticed, but the first phase of our testcase migration is now complete. All the old testcases (including the application testcases!) are now migrated into the tracker. You can see the general application testcases from last cycle in the 'ubuntu global jam' milestone on the package tracker: What this means is work can now begin on enhancing and improving the testcases and testsuites we have. The first testcases being targedt are the image testcases. As many of you noticed, they need to be updated tomatch the new features found in the beta1 installer. To that end there's a few bugs out there to support rolling out the changes to the testcases: The goals to have done for beta2 are: -Updating testcases for new ubiquity features (webcam take a picture, lvm, encryption, etc)-Adding alternate-only testcases back to the desktop cd's as needed(need testcases for the livecd, memtest, etc) -Migration of ubuntu testcases to all flavors (the changes above should allow this to happen) -Finishing the last ubuntu server testcases for rollout In regards to the flavor testcases, flavor specific pieces will be additional testcases on-top of the default ubuntu testcases. The bugs above will support varying the displaying of'ubuntu/xubuntu/lubuntu/kubuntu/ubuntu studio/mythbuntu/edubuntu' insidethe testcases, allowing us to share all the bulk of maintenance as much as possible. I know some of you have been helpful in wanting to write testcases. There is actually a team of folks and a specific format that is being followed. If your interested in helping, please get in touch with me. You can help write testcases, verify testcases that have been written, help out with migrating testcases, etc.alternate only cases added to Kubuntu desktop as well. Scott K
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