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Installing Lubuntu from USB into a Virtualbox VM (was: Re: Virtualbox classroom session )


On 06/02/2013 01:41 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:

> I have tired to find the answer by searching but couldn't, maybe didn't
> try hard enough? 
> Anyway, my question is:

> How can I install any system from LiveUSB using Oracle VM version
> 4.2.12? I have installed the Extension Pack but it just provides USB
> Support but I still can not install from LiveUSB

You might be asking the "wrong question" here...

Booting from USB is apparently not supported by VirtualBox.  Using
Google, there are people "out there" who seem to be working around it to
some extent, mostly by making an image of the USB stick (copying it to
hard disk) and then booting a VirtualBox VM from that on-hard-disk
filesystem image, not from a real physical USB stick.  Google just found
me this one, for example:


HOWEVER, if this is just for an Lubuntu install to a VM, why do you need
to install from a USB stick in the first place?  Just install from an
Lubuntu ISO file that is on the local hard drive (or on a USB stick or
on any filesystem the host machine can access).

Worst case, if you are installing onto VirtualBox which is running under
Windows for example, carry a USB stick that is formatted as FAT and has
an Lubuntu ISO file on it.  Windows can easily see that USB stick, and
all the files on it, when it is plugged in.  Then use that ISO as the
"virtual CDROM" that the new VirtualBox VM uses during installation.
Job done.  No extension pack needed, no booting from USB needed.

If that does not do what you need, please define more clearly what
exactly you are trying to achieve that you think needs the ability to
boot a VM from a USB stick.

