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Re: About 'gnome-disk-utility' as a default app


On 06/18/2013 02:03 PM, Jonathan Marsden wrote:
> Wait.. Average end users are not logging in as root. Or running sudo
> all the time. So how exactly is this a risk? Any time a user uses sudo
> is "a bit risky for the average end user"! If you do not want them to
> do that, don't give them an account with sudo privileges. Problem
> solved :) 
Well I do grant all of these individual end users root privileges so
they can install security updates and perform other important tasks.
Otherwise it would just be too much work for me.

That said I'm now convinced that 'gnome-disk-utility' should stay. I
raised the issue here first (and included you and Julien) because I
trust the judgment of the group much better than my own ;^)
>> I do think if we keep it as a default app that it would be better to
>> have it in System Tools.
> I tend to agree.  But that's a matter of how the packager of it labels
> it in their .desktop file, I think.  So it's not something Lubuntu is
> likely to change, you would need to persuade the packagers of
> gnome-disk-
> utility about this.
> Jonathan
I'll undoubtedly be testing Ubuntu GNOME a bit later in this cycle and
I'll raise that issue with Jeremy Bicha or other members of Ubuntu
GNOME. So we can consider this issue closed for discussion.

Many thanks,


PS: The reason I'm waiting to talk to Jeremy is because the new GNOME
classic session has not entirely landed, and since RHEL is adopting it
as default I want to wait and see what the actual "tree-view" looks like
in that session w/o adding any packages from a PPA ;^)
