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Re: MAAS Testing


Hi Jeroen. Thanks for the idea but I don't believe I've done anything
fancy in my setup that would require manipulating the database by
hand. My MAAS server has two NICs: one public which connects to the
Internet and one private. Each node has a single NIC which is
connected to that private NIC via a switch. Isn't this a pretty
standard setup for a group of machines with a dedicated DHCP server
like MAAS employs?

Further, while I was not able to reconfigure the gateway address for
the nodes by running dpkg-reconfigure maas-dhcp, I performed a full
reinstall (using the steps below) the proper gateway settings
(172.x.x.x) stuck just fine. Nodes now boot and appear to install a
base system.

There is still no 'Accept and Commission' button in the GUI for me,
but the nodes now report as "Ready" rather than "Commissioning."  My
next challenge is that Juju isn't bootstrapping but since I've made
some progress with MAAS I figured I'd spell out what has worked for me
to this point:

 • Environment: 64-bit Virtualbox running on Windows 7 host
 • 4 64-bit guest VMs consisting of:
     - 1 MAAS server with two NICs - one bridged to the Internet, one
Internal Network (intnet)
     - 3 nodes each with one NIC set to Internal Network (intnet)
 • Installed yesterday's daily build of precise-server-amd64.iso
(18-Apr-2012 06:40) onto the MAAS server following this wiki:
 • Overrode the default gateway address for nodes and plugged in my
private IP address (172.x.x.x) [BTW, the language at this step is
worded to suggest leaving the guessed IP address as-is, which was
incorrect for my vanilla(?) setup. Perhaps this needs tweaking. Just
remove the language and describe the gateway a little better ("path to
your MAAS server" rather than "path to the Internet",) and let the
admin figure out which IP is appropriate)
 • Copied down the MAAS management URL when provided
 • Bring the system up-to-date with sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install
 • Edit /etc/network/interfaces to add an IP address for my internal
network; ifup eth1
 • Return to the wiki to complete the createsuperuser and import-isos steps
 • Follow the steps in comment #2 of this bug to bring ephemerals
current: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/+bug/981845
 • Return to the wiki to add nodes

At this point, I started the nodes and the nodes boot well past the
previous stoppage. An auto-login processes, SSH keys are generated,
and the tty output on the nodes stops with 'landscape-client is not
configured, please run landscape-config.'

The GUI reports that all nodes are "Ready," though none are ready for
"3 nodes in this MAAS
0 nodes reserved for named deployment.
0 retired nodes not represented."

Clicking "Start node" in the node editing screen shows "Node Started"
in the notification area, yet no changes are observed on the node's

 • Continue to the juju wiki. However, since I'm using 12.04 I did not
add the PPA as indicated in the 'Before you get going' section.

Running juju on the command-line of the MAAS server returns this error:
$ juju bootstrap
2012-04-18 18:23:50,052 INFO Bootstrapping environment 'maas' (origin:
distro type: maas)...
Unhandled Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/juju/control/__init__.py",
line 188, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/juju/control/command.py",
line 44, in __call__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/base.py",
line 1169, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/base.py",
line 1178, in mainLoop
--- <exception caught here> ---
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/base.py",
line 800, in runUntilCurrent
    call.func(*call.args, **call.kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/tcp.py",
line 362, in resolveAddress
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/tcp.py",
line 369, in _setRealAddress
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/tcp.py",
line 395, in doConnect
    connectResult = self.socket.connect_ex(self.realAddress)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 224, in meth
    return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
exceptions.TypeError: an integer is required
Unexpected TimeoutError interacting with provider: User timeout caused
connection failure.
2012-04-18 18:24:20,090 ERROR Unexpected TimeoutError interacting with
provider: User timeout caused connection failure.

I've attempted both with and without the juju PPA but it still
produces the same results.

I hope this feedback is helpful and am excited to continue working on
this in anticipation of the 12.04 release!


On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 11:25 PM, Jeroen Vermeulen <jtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 2012-04-19 01:30, Michael Hughes wrote:
>> Maybe I'm using am incompatible base OS. What are others testing MAAS
>> with?
> In the development team we all run 12.04.
> Looks like you to change the maas_url setting to adapt to your setup. This
> setting tells nodes where they can reach the MAAS service.  The URL's
> hostname part defaults to the IP address of whatever interface your server
> uses for its default route, but it sounds like that's not going to be right
> for your network.
> I don't think we have the UI for such settings accessible yet.  But you can
> change the setting directly in the database:
>    INSERT INTO maasserver_config (name, value)
>    VALUES ('maas_url', 'http://<ip>/MAAS/');
> The <ip> is the address by which the nodes can reach the server.  The
> “MAAS/” path is as what you'd use to get to the MAAS user interface (we use
> just “/” on development setups).
> Jeroen

Follow ups
