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Re: Default parameter settings / Windows MSI installer


I don't know if the following comments are useful but here goes...

> Here is the picture of  this attempt

Looks nice.

> For those who have familiar the 5.2 MSI installer already,  what I have
> added is a checkbox "Standard configuration", explanation text, and

For those that "aren't" familiar or are new to the installer I'm
thinking a "small question mark surrounded by a circle" next to the
'Standard Configuration' textbox that when hovered over popups a more
detailed description of what "standard" means for MariaDB. This would
be in lieu of the text below the checkbox. This might make sense to
have for the other fields too. Just a thought.

> 1) default_storage_engine=innodb

I think the storage engine that replaced innodb is now technically
xtradb but I believe the configuration option "alias" innodb still
works for compatibility. Would it make sense to point this out?

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