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Re: I would like to run a buildbot


Hi Kristian,

I will check for core files and version of compiler later tonight. I know for sure I am using Ubuntu 10.04.

I have attached also my steps of installing buildbot slave on both my machines. Maybe they help you understand what I (didn't) do.


On 16/04/2013 09:22, Kristian Nielsen wrote:
"Vladislav Vaintroub" <wlad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

It should probably be just clang .
Thanks, that seems to have worked.

Dan, now the next step is to install curses development files:

     apt-get install libncurses5-dev

  - Kristian.

Taken from: https://kb.askmonty.org/en/Buildbot_Setup_for_Ubuntu-Debian/

1)  Buildbot needs the multiverse repository

2) Need to install the packet in order for it to create the user account and start-up links 
apt-get install buildbot mysql-server

-> Might not need mysql-server! 

3) Create the directories:

mkdir /opt/buildbot-slave/
cd /opt/buildbot-slave/
mkdir mariadb

chown buildbot /opt/buildbot-slave/ -R
chown buildbot /opt/buildbot-slave/.*

4) Install buildbot-slave in this directory:

sudo -u buildbot buildbot create-slave --usepty=0 /opt/buildbot-slave/mariadb hasky.askmonty.org:9989 <user> <passwd>

# Required info will be added below ( 6 )

5) Install bzr to save history between branches

# I don't think this is needed !
apt-get install bzr

bash # in order to make a new session
cd /opt/buildbot-slave/

su buildbot -c "bzr init-repo mariadb/valgrind"
sudo -u buildbot bzr init-repo /opt/buildbot-slave/mariadb/valgrind

6) Put some info in /opt/buildbot-slave/mariadb/info/*

cd /opt/buildbot-slave/mariadb/info
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | head -1 | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d" " -f2- > host

vim admin
Dan Demeter <dan-buildbot@xxxxxxxxx>

7) COnfigure start script

vim /etc/default/buildbot

BB_NUMBER[0]=0                  # index for the other values; negative disables the bot
BB_NAME[0]="mariadb-buildbot"   # short name printed on startup / stop
BB_USER[0]="buildbot"                    #user to run as
BB_BASEDIR[0]="$HOME/mariadb"      #basedir argument to buildbot (absolute path)
BB_OPTIONS[0]=""                # buildbot options
BB_PREFIXCMD[0]=""              # prefix command, i.e. nice, linux32, dchroot

8) Install the tools used to compile mariaDB

apt-get install bzr tar gcc g++ clang make libtool bison libncurses5 zlib1g-dev automake autoconf cmake gdb libc6-dbg

9) mariaDB should be ready to be compiled now..
