Thanks a lot for the positive replies so far, i got a little scared actually cause i tend to over-do-good with my Ideas.
". does it suggest that the initial invocation of the window switcher doesn't take it to the previous window yet, instead focuses the current window to cycle the tabs in it?"
Not necessarily, i guess that would actually lead away from the core usage of AltTab, which should remain fast Task Switching, i think if, for example, the Browser is already open with Tabs this should'nt serve as a standard replacement since the Tabs are already visible and easily accessible, if you only attempt to change to another Tab its highly unlikely somebody will use AltTab anyways. A lot of Windows don't even have Tabs in a way the Tabs Bar would provide them, like several Settings-Windows that would not need it and most Apps that simply don't use Tabs. So i started thinking how would it be an advantage over just Switching to the Window and selecting a Tab manually and came up with some things i figured would enhance the comfort of working on my Desktop by using something like this Mockup.
-Hand and Mouse Movement (for Laptops and Desktop alike)
The Mouse Mileage is reduced cause the distance between the Tabs and the Window is as small as one can imagine, actually you don't even have to move your Hand anywhere cause by using the MouseWheel ( or more likely Arrow Keys on a Laptop) you start, process and end in the exact same Position you most likely already have gotten used too.
-Less Eye Movement & Content Relocating
Usually you'd AltTab, start searching for the right Tab (in case its not the one thats currently open) and open it, which will give you another hard transfer on the Eyes, with the Tabs in the Switcher the Windows will gracefully fade in while selecting the Tab and the AltTab will fade out too, much easier on the Eyes and less relocating of your ACTUAL Destination. Even if the Tabs would switch without any fading-effect its still more pleasant on the Eyes cause you're focused on the AltTab Interface.
-Better Emphasis of your current Documents
I just think its less "Where is it?" and more "There it is!"
-A Nice Shortcut for Windicators
Instead of checking the IndicatorApplet which Application demands Attention or has some Update, opening the App and searching the associated Tab, i just AltTab and click the pending/informing Windicator and it'll take me right to the Spot.
"it's insanely convoluted and I doubt there are many who walk
this Earth who could have understood it."
I take that as a compliment :D
"A similar design could be applied to expose`, which
would be much easier accessed by most people, ex. hot-corner or a
single key."
True, at the end of the Day its nothing but a Window Switcher. Im just such an AltTabbing guy so a lot of this came from my personal taste as well as the earlier mentioned influences from Gnome-Shell, Firefox and of course this and several other mailing lists, just saying cause it would probably be impossible to credit everybody who influenced this.
Best Regards, Joern
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