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Re: proposal to discuss forking of OpenERP GTK client


On 10/11/2012 08:56 AM, Normunds Vilcans wrote:
Hello everyone!

As it seems, that OpenERP S.A. abandoned a development of GTK client, but lot of users still want it, I propose to make Community Edition on launchpad and prepare it for ver.7.0 in a couple of months.
My concerns by not dropping GTK client is:

- production users need stable running, fast client without that shit eye candy what in 90% just prevent you to work efficiently,
- accountants need it,
- warehouse users need it,

Let's leave web interface for marketing and sales guys.

What is your thoughts on this concern?


we love the extensibility of the web client and develop on it for a rather large part of our projects. For that reason, we do not actively encourage use of the GTK client to our customers. Web operations is a requirement for most of our projects anyway. But yes, accountants prefer the GTK client.
Instead of trying to keep the GTK client on life support, I would rather 
focus on making the Web client more data entry friendly (main issue is 
lack of keyboard shortcuts for most operations)

Therp - Maatwerk in open ontwikkeling

Stefan Rijnhart - Ontwerp en implementatie

mail: stefan@xxxxxxxx
tel: +31 (0) 614478606

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