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Re: Starts creating 7.0 series


On 12/11/2012 03:09 PM, "Lionel Sausin" wrote:
Le 11/12/2012 11:25, Joël Grand-Guillaume a écrit :
I started creating the 7.0 series on some of the community projects as we
start migrate some modules. I did it without branching the 6.1 serie and I
associated a brand new branch on them. The goal is here to start including in
the 7.0 serie only the migrated module. This way, everybody will know that
all modules present in a serie is supposed to work on the designed version
(here 7.0). This sounds better to me than having all modules but not migrated.
You're losing the bzr history, which obfuscates useful data, disables
cross-merges and makes back/forward porting of bug fixes painful.
I humbly suggest you branch from 6.1 and mark the modules "installable: False"
? Then mark "installable: True" when the modules are ported to v7.0
I agree with Lionel, this might create un-necessary problems in bugfix/code 
management, though I also approve Joel's desire to avoid creating a mess of 
migrated/non-migrated modules in the same branch.
The idea of using the installable flag to False sounds good, and we could have 
OpenERP Apps ignore modules that are not installable - they would be virtually 
invisible until migrated to the branch's series.

Follow ups
