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Re: [Openerp-community-reviewer] Proposal for a community backports project


2013/2/11 Joël Grand-Guillaume <joel.grandguillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Dear Niels,
> I think you may be misunderstood us there. We already making as you said:
> trying to push a fix by reporting it to the editor. This is done through LP
> bug report, merge proposal or through OPW depending on the case. If this
> not succeed for various reasons or take too much time, we do maintain our
> own branch of OpenERP and we merge all our suggested fix there. This branch
> is shared between our customers and maintained by our-self.
> What is suggested by Stefan here (or this is what I understood) is to
> share between us all a branch of the official one that include all those
> fixes. All of them will refer to a bug report (and MP) on LP. This is a way
> to have branch that include all fixes that we (as a community) think are
> mandatory. Obviously, we will always report them to OpenERP and try to have
> them merge in the core ! Then, we'll merge it into ours.

I don't see how valuable a branch would be that just piles up the fixes, it
would be more interesting to get a list of merge requests we think are
appropriate and then everyone can just rune a small script maybe that takes
the openobject-addons/7.0 of today and applies the necessary merges onto it.

Putting them all into one branch will make it impossible to see where each
fix came from.

Follow ups
