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Re: Anyone playing with OpenERP CMS branch trunk-website-al?


Thanks Nhomar !

It is work in progress and with lots of bugs indeed...  ;-)
But if we as a comunity get involved at least in testing, we all together can get a better product, we have the opportunity to help and we avoid surprises as the partner/contact/address change for v7....

Do you have an specific email we could use to report bugs for this branch? It is possible that many reported bugs will be already in their agenda, but who knows...

I have been doing the read the code + test in runbot for some time now on this, but to go deeper I needed it locally to be able to debug...
In case anyone is interested, it is easy to get it running once you have 
the pieces together:
 * Get the three specific tunk-website-al branches (server, addons and web)
* Once installed, run OpenERP server with extra --load=web,website parameter
 * Access   your_openerp_server/admin    from your browser to get the
   database administration form, and create a new database.  Right now
   you need to create it with demo data, or the website sample modules
   will fail to install
 * If you get an error related to 'website' module after database
   creation, go again to    your_openerp_server/admin and install the
   'website' module
 * Install any aditional website*  modules, and then restart the
   OpenERP service
 * Enjoy


On 09/17/2013 10:26 PM, Nhomar Hernández wrote:
Fabien's answer is that it is a work hard in progress yet not public because it is so buggy yet., send emails and probably they answer, but they are make big changes day by day i recomend read the code, and test in runbot.

Follow ups
