On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Mario Arias <the.clone.master@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:the.clone.master@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Fabien, Antony...
Great job so far!
Quick questions... we will need some kind of "light user" for web
customers, so they can eventually check order status, RMAs, enrollment to
They won't have access to the full system as they will be limited to
website front end... similar to "portal" users...
Do you already have this in your roadmap?
How will they count towards monthly cost of OPW ?
Hello Mario and others,
notice that technically speaking, using OOOR and AKTOOOR
https://github.com/akretion/aktooor you can achieve that "light user" thing.
The website I'm building will have thousands of users interacting with
OpenERP, but only a few dozens of ERP users at most.
The way it works is that a web user is a Devise user
potentially using a different database (or not) of OpenERP.
Then by overriding OOOREST authentication method, you map a logged Devise user
to an OpenERP user (based on the email). But you could in fact very well map 1
million of Devise users (hey they have encrypted passwords ;-) to a single
OpenERP portal user if you like (they will just have the same OpenERP profile)
So far it looks like it's just a normal OpenERP portal user.
BUT, the user email will be passed in the context in every RPC call to
OpenERP. That can be used to implement a special rule check_access_rule
override that can for instance let you edit only the objects for which the
email is in the list of allowed users.
For instance in my website, a logged user is able to edit only the announces
(a product) related to the partner they are mapped as, and only their partner
Then you will think but what about the user interface? Well AKTOOOR is a kind
of Ruby on Rails web-client for OpenERP (to be demoed soon). It doesn't
feature all OpenERP web-clients features of course, but it features a
reasonable set of features: navigation, CRUD, form/list, inner views, most
types of widgets, relational ones too, native Kaminari pagination...
The main part that is currently missing is dynamic on_change and dynamic domains.
AKTOOOR is based on simple_form (hey it's done by Plataformatec, one of the
few noticeable Brazilian start-up around, the Rails committers guys behind
Devise or Elxir killer Erlang Ruby like derivative).
simple_form is Rails form_for on steroid, adapted for Twitter Bootstrap, see
simple_form is a no fluff framework but OpenERP forms themselves looks more
complete of course, I'll demo that soon.
But AKTOOOR isn't meant to be a full blown web-client. You already have the
one of OpenERP one for that. Instead, it's mean't so that you can develop any
killer Rails scalable app where you can embed OpenERP forms that do everything
you want in the CSS/HTML style you want without any data duplication. It's
also multi-OpenERP instances by the way (we have one OpenERP for every city in
the project I build).
So if you use AKTOOOR to develop the forms you want these light OpenERP users
to interact with, then you don't need to make them real OpenERP users and that
should enable business models that the AGPL license or OPW woul forbid
otherwise (notice that OpenERP modules themselves are still subject to the
AGPL of course, but the the front-end website that is MIT compatible).
I think the website we will soon make buzz about will be the first web2.0
business model web-site with all it's logic based on OpenERP, with a proper
encapsulation of the AGPL and non AGPL things and even compatible with the OPW
model eventually despite thousands of users.
Contact me if you are interested (though I apologize because I often lack of
time to answer).