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Re: sortable / searchable stock levels (Re: New WMS. Call for testers.)


On 01/14/2014 11:30 AM, Alexandre Fayolle wrote:

One feature I was hoping to finally get in the WMS rewrite is searchable
/ sortable stock levels.

The typical use case our customers have is to be able to filter out
products with Quantity on Hand == 0 when displaying stock by location.
Sorting by quantity on hand is also a quick way to see which products
have a negative stock level (and therefore an inventory problem). This
is not possible in oerp <= 7 without custom addons. Is it planned for v8?

searchable and sortable function fields (non database fields)

I have funded and Panos has provided a server 6.0 side patch (attached) for sorting and searching of non db fields.
If OpenERP does not accept this it could now finally go into OCB.
IMO it is impossible to explain to users why some fields are searchable/sortable and some not and client side (browser) sorting does not make sens as long the client deals only with subsets (80 records or so)

as well as one2many_sorted (using translated terms - what users expect)
http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~camptocamp/c2c-rd-addons/7.0/files/head:/one2many_sorted/ <http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ecamptocamp/c2c-rd-addons/7.0/files/head:/one2many_sorted/> this allows different sorts in different o2m situations (stock_move, account_move_lines,....)

Beste Grüße
Ferdiand Gassauer
ChriCar Bet. und Ber. GmbH

=== modified file 'bin/widget_search/custom_filter.py'
--- bin/widget_search/custom_filter.py	2011-09-16 11:49:53 +0000
+++ bin/widget_search/custom_filter.py	2011-10-16 18:15:54 +0000
@@ -101,8 +101,6 @@
             operator = self.op_selection[self.combo_op.get_active_text()]
             right_text =  self.right_text.get_text() or False
-            if operator in ['not ilike','<>', 'not in'] and field_type != 'boolean':
-                false_value_domain = ['|', (field_left,'=', False)]
                 cast_type = True
                 if field_type in type_cast:
@@ -126,11 +124,13 @@
                 self.right_text.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, gtk.gdk.color_parse("#ff6969"))
                 self.right_text.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("#ff6969"))
                 return {}
+            if operator in ['not ilike','<>', 'not in'] and field_type != 'boolean' and right_text:
+                false_value_domain = ['|', (field_left,'=', False)]
             if operator in ['ilike','not ilike']:
                 if field_type in ['integer','float','date','datetime','boolean']:
                     operator = (operator == 'ilike') and '=' or '!='
-                else:
-                    right_text = '%' + right_text + '%'
             if operator in ['<','>'] and field_type not in ['integer','float','date','datetime','boolean']:
                     operator = '='

=== modified file 'bin/osv/expression.py'
--- bin/osv/expression.py	2011-01-17 08:41:08 +0000
+++ bin/osv/expression.py	2011-10-07 17:11:08 +0000
@@ -20,10 +20,26 @@
-from tools import flatten, reverse_enumerate
+from tools import flatten, reverse_enumerate, config
 import fields
+def _m2o_cmp(a, b):
+    if a is False:
+        if b:
+            return -1
+        return 0
+    else:
+        if not b:
+            return 1
+        elif isinstance(b, (int, long)):
+            return cmp(a[0], b)
+        elif isinstance(b, basestring):
+            return cmp(a[1], b)
+        else:
+            # Arbitrary: unknown b is greater than all record values
+            return -1
 class expression(object):
     parse a domain expression
@@ -32,6 +48,41 @@
     For more info: http://christophe-simonis-at-tiny.blogspot.com/2008/08/new-new-domain-notation.html
+    FALLBACK_OPS = {'=': lambda a, b: bool(a == b),
+            '!=': lambda a, b: bool(a != b),
+            '<>': lambda a, b: bool(a != b),
+            '<=': lambda a, b: bool(a <= b),
+            '<': lambda a, b: bool(a < b),
+            '>': lambda a, b: bool(a > b),
+            '>=': lambda a, b: bool(a >= b),
+            '=?': lambda a, b: b is None or b is False or bool(a == b),
+            #'=like': lambda a, b: , need regexp?
+            #'=ilike': lambda a, b: ,
+            'like': lambda a, b: bool(b in a),
+            'not like': lambda a, b: bool(b not in a),
+            'ilike': lambda a, b: (not b) or (a and bool(b.lower() in a.lower())),
+            'not ilike': lambda a, b: b and ((not a) or bool(b.lower() not in a.lower())),
+            'in': lambda a, b: bool(a in b),
+            'not in': lambda a, b: bool(a not in b),
+            }
+    FALLBACK_OPS_M2O = {'=': lambda a, b: _m2o_cmp(a,b) == 0,
+            '!=': _m2o_cmp ,
+            '<>': _m2o_cmp,
+            '<=': lambda a, b: _m2o_cmp(a,b) <= 0,
+            '<': lambda a, b: _m2o_cmp(a, b) < 0,
+            '>': lambda a, b: _m2o_cmp(a, b) > 0,
+            '>=': lambda a, b: _m2o_cmp(a, b) >= 0,
+            '=?': lambda a, b: b is None or b is False or _m2o_cmp(a, b) == 0,
+            #'=like': lambda a, b: , need regexp?
+            #'=ilike': lambda a, b: ,
+            'like': lambda a, b: (not b) or (a and bool(b in a[1])),
+            'not like': lambda a, b: b and ((not a) or (b not in a[1])),
+            'ilike': lambda a, b: (not b) or (a and bool(b.lower() in a[1].lower())),
+            'not ilike': lambda a, b: b and ((not a) or bool(b.lower() not in a[1].lower())),
+            'in': lambda a, b: a and bool(a[1] in b),
+            'not in': lambda a, b: (not a) or bool(a[1] not in b),
+            }
     def _is_operator(self, element):
         return isinstance(element, (str, unicode)) and element in ['&', '|', '!']
@@ -162,11 +213,67 @@
             if field._properties and not field.store:
                 # this is a function field that is not stored
                 if not field._fnct_search:
-                    # the function field doesn't provide a search function and doesn't store
-                    # values in the database, so we must ignore it : we generate a dummy leaf
-                    self.__exp[i] = self.__DUMMY_LEAF
+                    do_fallback = None
+                    if hasattr(table, '_fallback_search'):
+                        do_fallback = table._fallback_search
+                    else:
+                        do_fallback = config.get_misc('orm', 'fallback_search', None)
+                    if do_fallback is None:
+                        # the function field doesn't provide a search function and doesn't store
+                        # values in the database, so we must ignore it : we generate a dummy leaf
+                        self.__exp[i] = self.__DUMMY_LEAF
+                    elif do_fallback:
+                        # Do the slow fallback.
+                        # Try to see if the expression so far is a straight (ANDed)
+                        # combination. In that case, we can restrict the query
+                        if field._type == 'many2one':
+                            op_fn = self.FALLBACK_OPS_M2O.get(operator, None)
+                        else:
+                            op_fn = self.FALLBACK_OPS.get(operator, None)
+                        if not op_fn:
+                            raise ValueError('Cannot fallback with operator "%s" !' % operator)
+                        e_so_far = self.__exp[:i]
+                        for e in e_so_far:
+                            if not self._is_leaf(e, internal=True):
+                                e_so_far = []
+                                break
+                        ids_so_far = table.search(cr, uid, e_so_far, context=context)
+                        if not ids_so_far:
+                            self.__exp[i] = ( 'id', '=', 0 )
+                        else:
+                            ids2 = []
+                            if field._multi:
+                                fget_name = [fargs[0],]
+                            else:
+                                fget_name = fargs[0]
+                            for res_id, rval in field.get(cr, table, ids_so_far,
+                                                        name=fget_name, user=uid,
+                                                        context=context).items():
+                                if field._multi:
+                                    rval = rval.get(fargs[0], None)
+                                if rval is None or rval is False:
+                                    pass
+                                elif field._type == 'integer':
+                                    # workaround the str() of fields.function.get() :(
+                                    rval = int(rval)
+                                elif field._type == 'float':
+                                    assert isinstance(rval, float), "%s: %r" %(type(rval), rval)
+                                    if field.digits:
+                                        rval = round(rval, field.digits[1])
+                                # TODO: relational fields don't work here, must implement
+                                # special operators between their (id, name) and right
+                                if op_fn(rval, right):
+                                    ids2.append(res_id)
+                            self.__exp[i] = ( 'id', 'in', ids2 )
+                    else:
+                        raise NotImplementedError("Cannot compute %s.%s field for filtering" % \
+                                    (table._name, left))
                     subexp = field.search(cr, uid, table, left, [self.__exp[i]], context=context)
+                    # Reminder: the field.search() API returns an expression, not a dataset,
+                    # which means that [] => True clause
                     if not subexp:
                         self.__exp[i] = self.__DUMMY_LEAF

=== modified file 'bin/osv/orm.py'
--- bin/osv/orm.py	2011-06-20 11:12:35 +0000
+++ bin/osv/orm.py	2011-10-10 19:48:15 +0000
@@ -86,6 +86,52 @@
         self.value = value
         self.args = (name, value)
+class pythonOrderBy(list):
+    """ Placeholder class for _generate_order_by() requesting python sorting
+    """
+    def get_sort_key(self):
+        """ returns a function to use in sort(key=...)
+        """
+        if len(self) != 1:
+            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot sort by: %s" % ','.join(self))
+        _getters = []
+        for x in [ x.split(' ', 1)[0] for x in self]:
+            if x.endswith(':'):
+                _getters.append(lambda k: (k[x[:-1]] and k[x[:-1]][1]) or None) # the visual string of m2o
+            else:
+                _getters.append(lambda k: k[x])
+        def sort_key(k):
+            return tuple([ g(k) for g in _getters])
+        return sort_key
+    def get_fields(self):
+        """Return the field components of this order-by list
+        """
+        def _clean(x):
+            x = x.split(' ',1)[0]
+            if x.endswith(':'):
+                x = x[:-1]
+            return x
+        return map(_clean, self)
+    def get_direction(self):
+        """ returns the order direction
+            True if ascending (default)
+        """
+        ascending = None
+        for x in self:
+            if ' ' in x:
+                adir = (x.split(' ', 1)[1].lower() != 'desc' )
+            else:
+                adir = True
+            if ascending is None:
+                ascending = adir
+            elif ascending != adir:
+                raise NotImplementedError("Cannot use multiple order directions on python sorting!")
+        return ascending
 class BrowseRecordError(Exception):
@@ -1076,6 +1122,12 @@
         for parent in self._inherits:
             res.update(self.pool.get(parent).fields_get(cr, user, allfields, context))
+        all_selectable = False
+        if getattr(self, '_fallback_search', False) == True:
+            all_selectable = True
+        elif config.get_misc('orm', 'fallback_search', None) == True:
+            all_selectable = True
         if self._columns.keys():
             for f in self._columns.keys():
                 field_col = self._columns[f]
@@ -1137,6 +1189,9 @@
                     res[f]['relation'] = field_col._obj
                     res[f]['domain'] = field_col._domain
                     res[f]['context'] = field_col._context
+                if all_selectable:
+                    res[f]['selectable'] = True
             #TODO : read the fields from the database
@@ -2116,6 +2171,17 @@
         return id in self.datas
 class orm(orm_template):
+    """ ORM for regular, database-stored models
+        @attribute _fallback_search enables *slow*, fallback search for those
+                function fields that do not provide a _fnct_search() .
+                Use with care, as this may perform a read() of the full dataset
+                of that model, in order to compute the search condition.
+                Takes 3 values:
+                    None    the default 'ignore' behavior,
+                    True    use the slow method
+                    False   stop and raise an exception on those fields
+    """
     _sql_constraints = []
     _table = None
     _protected = ['read', 'write', 'create', 'default_get', 'perm_read', 'unlink', 'fields_get', 'fields_view_get', 'search', 'name_get', 'distinct_field_get', 'name_search', 'copy', 'import_data', 'search_count', 'exists']
@@ -2330,7 +2396,7 @@
             if not val_id:
                 raise except_orm(_('ValidateError'),
-                                 _('Invalid value for reference field "%s" (last part must be a non-zero integer): "%s"') % (field, value))
+                                 _('Invalid value for reference field "%s" of table "%s" (last part must be a non-zero integer): "%s"') % (field, self._table, value))
             val = val_model
             val = value
@@ -2339,8 +2405,10 @@
         elif val in dict(self._columns[field].selection(self, cr, uid, context=context)):
+        import sys
+	print >> sys.stderr,'check_sel context',context
         raise except_orm(_('ValidateError'),
-                         _('The value "%s" for the field "%s" is not in the selection') % (value, field))
+			_('The value "%s" for the field "%s" of table "%s" is not in the selection') % (value, field, self._table))
     def _check_removed_columns(self, cr, log=False):
         # iterate on the database columns to drop the NOT NULL constraints
@@ -3961,6 +4029,7 @@
         order_by_clause = self._order
         if order_spec:
             order_by_elements = []
+            python_order = False
             for order_part in order_spec.split(','):
                 order_split = order_part.strip().split(' ')
@@ -3973,25 +4042,63 @@
                     order_column = self._columns[order_field]
                     if order_column._classic_read:
                         inner_clause = '"%s"."%s"' % (self._table, order_field)
-                    elif order_column._type == 'many2one':
+                    elif order_column._type == 'many2one' \
+                            and (order_column._classic_write \
+                                or getattr(order_column, 'store', False)):
                         inner_clause = self._generate_m2o_order_by(order_field, query)
-                        continue # ignore non-readable or "non-joinable" fields
+                        do_fallback = None
+                        if hasattr(self, '_fallback_search'):
+                            do_fallback = self._fallback_search
+                        else:
+                            do_fallback = config.get_misc('orm', 'fallback_search', None)
+                        if do_fallback is None:
+                            continue # ignore non-readable or "non-joinable" fields
+                        elif do_fallback is True:
+                            inner_clause = order_field
+                            if order_column._type in ('many2one',):
+                                inner_clause += ':'
+                            python_order = True
+                        else:
+                            raise except_orm(_('Error!'), 
+                                    _('Object model %s does not support order by function field "%s"!') % \
+                                     (self._name, order_field))
                 elif order_field in self._inherit_fields:
                     parent_obj = self.pool.get(self._inherit_fields[order_field][0])
                     order_column = parent_obj._columns[order_field]
                     if order_column._classic_read:
                         inner_clause = self._inherits_join_calc(order_field, query)
-                    elif order_column._type == 'many2one':
+                    elif order_column._type == 'many2one' \
+                            and (order_column._classic_write \
+                                or getattr(order_column, 'store', False)):
                         inner_clause = self._generate_m2o_order_by(order_field, query)
-                        continue # ignore non-readable or "non-joinable" fields
+                        do_fallback = None
+                        if hasattr(self, '_fallback_search'):
+                            do_fallback = self._fallback_search
+                        elif hasattr(parent_obj, '_fallback_search'):
+                            do_fallback = parent_obj._fallback_search
+                        else:
+                            do_fallback = config.get_misc('orm', 'fallback_search', None)
+                        if do_fallback is None:
+                            continue # ignore non-readable or "non-joinable" fields
+                        elif do_fallback is True:
+                            inner_clause = order_field
+                            if order_column._type in ('many2one',):
+                                inner_clause += ':'
+                            python_order = True
+                        else:
+                            raise except_orm(_('Error!'),
+                                    _('Object model %s does not support order by function field "%s"!') % \
+                                     (self._name, order_field))
                 if inner_clause:
                     if isinstance(inner_clause, list):
                         for clause in inner_clause:
                             order_by_elements.append("%s %s" % (clause, order_direction))
                         order_by_elements.append("%s %s" % (inner_clause, order_direction))
+            if python_order and order_by_elements:
+                return pythonOrderBy(order_by_elements)
             if order_by_elements:
                 order_by_clause = ",".join(order_by_elements)
@@ -4024,9 +4131,26 @@
             cr.execute('SELECT count("%s".id) FROM ' % self._table + from_clause + where_str + limit_str + offset_str, where_clause_params)
             res = cr.fetchall()
             return res[0][0]
-        cr.execute('SELECT "%s".id FROM ' % self._table + from_clause + where_str + order_by + limit_str + offset_str, where_clause_params)
-        res = cr.fetchall()
-        return [x[0] for x in res]
+        elif isinstance(order_by, pythonOrderBy):
+            # Fall back to pythonic sorting (+ offset, limit)
+            cr.execute('SELECT "%s".id FROM ' % self._table + from_clause +
+                    where_str, # no offset or limit
+                    where_clause_params)
+            res = cr.fetchall()
+            data_res = self.read(cr, user, [x[0] for x in res],
+                        fields=order_by.get_fields(), context=context)
+            data_res.sort(key=order_by.get_sort_key(), reverse=not order_by.get_direction())
+            if offset:
+                data_res = data_res[offset:]
+            if limit:
+                data_res = data_res[:limit]
+            return [x['id'] for x in data_res]
+        else:
+            cr.execute('SELECT "%s".id FROM ' % self._table + from_clause +
+                    where_str + order_by + limit_str + offset_str, 
+                    where_clause_params)
+            res = cr.fetchall()
+            return [x[0] for x in res]
     # returns the different values ever entered for one field
     # this is used, for example, in the client when the user hits enter on

Follow ups
