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Message #04603
Re: OpenERP and Business Intelligence
> Last question... Navigating on runbot we can see so many branches, so many
> developments that is very very complex trying to build something consistent
> trying to mix all future branches that will be merged on V8.
> Would it be possible knowing at less the name of branches that you are
> going to include on new version? Is there any place where we could test
> them all together?
Nearly all branches will be included in v8. Sometimes we cancel a task in
the middle of a development, but I would say that 80% of these branches
will be merged. There is no place to test them all together, we merge them
progressively in trunk once it passes code reviews and useability tests.
> I know revolution begins in 07 Days : 16 Hour: 19 Min : 43 Sec but.. That
> will be only on Saas by the moment and we would like to help testing or
> even offering it to new customers before the official release on Q2. Would
> it be possible/recomendable or better to wait...
Would be great if you can test now. You can test on the runbot or install
the branches locally. (website-al)
The more you can help reporting issues the best it is. (we are not
interested in new features requests, but in bug reports or translations on
launchpad, once it will be on trunk, in 7 days)
But I suggest not to put the trunk version in production for customers.
Most of the partners that did that in the past regreted it.
> 2014/1/23 Fabien Pinckaers <fp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Ana,
>> Just do a PostgreSQL view and you have your multi-object cube. Just a few
>> minutes of devs.
>> Or, if I am not wrong, Vadim just said he developed a module allowing
>> this.
>> Fabien
>> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Ana Juaristi <ajuaristio@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>> Hi Fabien:
>>> I have just done what you recomend and have been playing little bit with
>>> opportunities. I like it. I think it's much more powerfull than reports on
>>> previous versions and it has got capabilites to cover the needs of most of
>>> companies but ... a single doubt.
>>> Usually BI systems are used to compare data between different objects.
>>> For instance, comparing sales-purchases prices for products, projects.
>>> Rotating products or mixing manufacturing with projects or accountancy.
>>> Would it be possible defining cubes mixing different OpenRP objects?
>>> Defining common and agregate fields to build cubes or stars as usually is
>>> done on any BI system. If yes... I think that any integration would not be
>>> necesary otherwise, it will still be necesary for several companies.
>>> Thank you:
>>> Ana
>>> 2014/1/23 Fabien Pinckaers <fp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> In addition, here are the remaining tasks that are the minimum before
>>>> it's useable:
>>>> - the "extended search" will be expanded on top of the view to easily
>>>> slice
>>>> - export data to excel
>>>> Then we will continue on extra features like better dashboards, ...
>>>> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 7:27 PM, Fabien Pinckaers <fp@xxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>> Ovnicraft,
>>>>> Please test it. Check and judge by yourself if you don't agree. Our
>>>>> solution has PROs and CONs and it's very difficult to have an interesting
>>>>> conversation if you don't know what you are talking about and you don't
>>>>> have seen it before. We will waste time arguing "it's not feasible", "it's
>>>>> probably not as good", "but saiku do it that way", "Not Inveted Here is
>>>>> never a good approach..." if you don't judge by yourself.
>>>>> It's quite easy to test on runbot, here is the steps to test:
>>>>> - Go to runbot:
>>>>> - Search the branch "trunk-new-graphview-ged"
>>>>> - Click on the arrow on the right of connect and select "All Addons"
>>>>> - Go to Sales > Opportunities
>>>>> - Switch to graph view
>>>>> - Play with the data (the 'cube' view is the first icon)
>>>>> Once you will have tested it, I can answer all questions and we can
>>>>> discuss PROs and CONs. Before, we all waste our time.
>>>>> - -
>>>>> Fabien
>>>>> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 7:10 PM, Ovnicraft <ovnicraft@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Fabien Pinckaers <fp@xxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I suggest not to go for pentaho, spago, saiku, or others. You should
>>>>>>> check the branch of Antony, we developed nearly all features of current BI
>>>>>>> software and it's already fully working.
>>>>>>> I think the community should better concentrate to build apps in
>>>>>>> OpenERP rather than trying to integrate with third party tools. Integration
>>>>>>> are always painful, difficult to reuse from one project to another, ...
>>>>>>> Developing a BI cube is just a few weeks of work (3 months for one
>>>>>>> developer, less than 1000 lines of code). Today, OpenERP is so advanced
>>>>>>> that developing a new app on OpenERP is usually easier than trying to
>>>>>>> integrate with others applications. It's much more powerful and it's
>>>>>>> maintainable over a long period of time.
>>>>>> Hi @Fabien: BI capabilities are a little bit hard to write, a Q: that
>>>>>> 1000 LOC has something like agregation, browsing, OLAP, ROLAP, logical
>>>>>> analysis, phisical analysis, hirarchical deps, slice ? just to mention few
>>>>>> features. You can check
>>>>>> IDK if DRY is lost here, but integration is part of make apps and
>>>>>> systems work together, via WS and OERP has a good stuff here.
>>>>>> NIH Rule is a bad option.
>>>>>> Have a good graphs dont means has BI capabilities, if i am wrong
>>>>>> please describe features.
>>>>>> I consider OERP could be strong in WS maker new APIs, new methods,
>>>>>> formats, etc and help us to write more apps w/o reinvent the wheel.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> ,
>>>>>> We used to say internally that everything we develop that is not an
>>>>>>> OpenERP module will probably die in a few years. We did the mistake to
>>>>>>> integrate with SugarCRM, Alfresco, Ubercart, Webdav, CALDAV, Moodle. None
>>>>>>> of these modules are still useable today.
>>>>>>> With OpenERP, modules last if they are integrated, not if they are
>>>>>>> interfaced. Search on the web, you will find plenty of integration with
>>>>>>> Pentaho, SpagoBI, ... I bet that none of them are reusable on v7.
>>>>>>> That's why I think you should rely on the work done on this branch:
>>>>>>> trunk-new-graphview-ged (on
>>>>>>> To test, go to any record (e.g. opportunities) and switch to the
>>>>>>> graph view. Then, play with the cubes.
>>>>>>> The future is going to be integrated, not interfaced...
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Fabien
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Axel Mendoza Pupo <
>>>>>>> aekroft@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> You could take a look at itś a
>>>>>>>> python based solution, it seems to be a good tool, lightweight, powerful
>>>>>>>> and will be not very difficult to get integrated into OpenERP
>>>>>>>> Light-weight Python framework and OLAP HTTP server for easy
>>>>>>>> development of reporting applications and aggregate browsing of
>>>>>>>> multi-dimensionally modeled data.
>>>>>>>> Hope this helps
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 6:00 AM, Eric Caudal <
>>>>>>>> eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks everybody for the feedback!
>>>>>>>>> BTW: the branch in runbot is not responsive. I will test it
>>>>>>>>> locally though.
>>>>>>>>> Eric Caudal*CEO*
>>>>>>>>> --*Elico Corporation, Shanghai branch
>>>>>>>>> OpenERP Premium Certified Training Partner *
>>>>>>>>> Cell: + 86 186 2136 1670
>>>>>>>>> Office: + 86 21 6211 8017/27/37
>>>>>>>>> Skype: elico.corperic.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> [image: Elico Corp]
>>>>>>>>> On 01/23/2014 06:44 PM, Antony Lesuisse wrote:
>>>>>>>>> You may also check the branch trunk-new-graphview-ged it's
>>>>>>>>> available on runbot
>>>>>>>>> It's a new graph view with BI capabilities. It will be merged in
>>>>>>>>> trunk in a few days.
>>>>>>>>> On 01/23/2014 07:24 AM, Eric Caudal wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> What are currently the technical solutions available for OpenERP
>>>>>>>>> to be able to
>>>>>>>>> generate cubes for Business Intelligence?
>>>>>>>>> I need to prepare a panel of solutions for one of my customers and
>>>>>>>>> would like
>>>>>>>>> to know:
>>>>>>>>> - Tools and vendors involved
>>>>>>>>> - Difficulty to integrate withh OpenERP7 current data model
>>>>>>>>> - Price range if relevant.
>>>>>>>>> NB:
>>>>>>>>> I am not really looking for static reporting tools but more for
>>>>>>>>> dynamic data
>>>>>>>>> builders (equivalent to Cognos or Crystal Report).
>>>>>>>>> It doesnot need to be opensource and Google is not an option as
>>>>>>>>> google.doc is
>>>>>>>>> not available in China.
>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to reading you
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Eric CAUDAL
>>>>>>>>> Eric Caudal
>>>>>>>>> /CEO/
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> *Elico Corporation, Shanghai branch
>>>>>>>>> /OpenERP Premium Certified Training Partner/ *
>>>>>>>>> Cell: + 86 186 2136 1670
>>>>>>>>> Office: + 86 21 6211 8017/27/37
>>>>>>>>> Skype: elico.corp
>>>>>>>>> eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx><eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>> Elico Corp
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> CEO Avanzosc, S.L <> : Office phone / Tfono
> oficina: (+34) 943 02 69 02
> Ana Juaristi Olalde <>: Personal phone: 677 93
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OpenERP and Business Intelligence
From: Eric Caudal, 2014-01-23
Re: OpenERP and Business Intelligence
From: Antony Lesuisse, 2014-01-23
Re: OpenERP and Business Intelligence
From: Eric Caudal, 2014-01-23
Re: OpenERP and Business Intelligence
From: Axel Mendoza Pupo, 2014-01-23
Re: OpenERP and Business Intelligence
From: Fabien Pinckaers, 2014-01-23
Re: OpenERP and Business Intelligence
From: Ovnicraft, 2014-01-23
Re: OpenERP and Business Intelligence
From: Fabien Pinckaers, 2014-01-23
Re: OpenERP and Business Intelligence
From: Fabien Pinckaers, 2014-01-23
Re: OpenERP and Business Intelligence
From: Ana Juaristi, 2014-01-23
Re: OpenERP and Business Intelligence
From: Fabien Pinckaers, 2014-01-23
Re: OpenERP and Business Intelligence
From: Ana Juaristi, 2014-01-23