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Re: Base_Synchro vs OpenERP-Connector


Thanks Leonardo Pistone,
I knew a bit about openerp-connector already, but I didn't know openerp_connector_file.
I'm clueless about base_synchro however.
Does it serve the same purpose as openerp-connector? Are there features in base_synchro that can't be found in openerp-connector?

Le 24/02/2014 10:35, Leonardo Pistone a écrit :

openerp-connector ( http://openerp-connector.com ) is a general
framework for connectors and other things

If you mean openerp_connector_file, (
), that is a new module that (at the moment) performs the same import
as the built-in v7 import, but which uses the openerp-connector to
split the import in small pieces, enqueue each one, and handle errors
separately (and other things).

