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Re: Reopen a paid invoice


On 2014-07-12 12:30, Pedro Manuel Baeza Romero wrote:

Thank you for your comments

 * renaming the attachment:
   how do you keep track of the previous generated pdf versions ?
 * reconcile method: you are probably right, I should change this
 * visible mark: what should this be?

btw: I would suggest to "merge" the modules - odoo should not have 2 variants if not absolutely necessary.
the module was a quick hack, because a client made to many errors 
issuing invoices ....

I have already checked the module you mentioned, Ferdinand, and the technique is similar, but there are some extra hacks that doesn't like me, like renaming attachments, and the check of the accounts to "re-reconcile" is for the account payable or account receivable of the partner, but if you change this account on that invoice, you won't get the invoice correctly re-opened. You are writing values directly in reconcile object instead of calling reconcile method, and this can have side effects across versions (but not tested). I also don't see visible mark for the returned invoices, which is something people want to know.
I don't want to sound rude in my review, but it's in order to take 
into consideration for building a better module than the current two, 
what is what Markus wants.

2014-07-12 11:59 GMT+02:00 Pedro Manuel Baeza Romero <pedro.baeza@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:pedro.baeza@xxxxxxxxx>>:
    Hi, Ferdinand, my module doesn't delete account moves also, but
    the reconciliations, which is a big difference. I will take a look
    at the one you talk about.


    2014-07-12 5:58 GMT+02:00 Ferdinand Gassauer <office@xxxxxxxxxx

        On 2014-07-10 11:33, Pedro Manuel Baeza Romero wrote:

        This is a module that reopens the invoice, but handles the
        account moves in a correct way not deleting them but creating
        inverse bookings


        Hi, Markus,

        What Eric exposes is the reason why I didn't change the workflow.

        About reconcilements, you don't have to take care of them or
        keep them, because you always get the date trace with the
        account moves, so the easiest operation is to delete old
        reconcilement, and make another one with all the account
        moves, and the balance will be correct. In this way, you can
        pay, return, pay again, return again, etc, with the same
        method, having always a correct invoice state managed by
        reconcile object.


        2014-07-10 11:17 GMT+02:00 Markus Schneider


            thank you Eric for the infos of changing workflow.

            Now i m looking in the details. What i don't want is to
            delete the
            reconsile. Just want to create a reverse account.move. I
            found the
            module "account_reversal" and thinking to use this
            instead of copy the
            function. But there the account.move will be validated
            and maybe we need
            the change amount than it easy to adapt this one. Always
            not easy.

            Kind Regards


            On 09.07.2014 10:08, Markus Schneider wrote:
            > Hi Pedro,
            > thank you for sharing. I have a first check of the
            module and i like the
            > solution.
            > I think of the following steps are need:
            > * ported to OpenERP 7
            > * removing wizard "account_payment_order" that the
            module is not depend
            > on "account_payment_extension" any more (can be
            separate module)
            > * removing wizard
            "payment_order_return_import_c19_wizard" no need (can
            > be separate module)
            > * "payment_returned" as boolean on account.invoice is
            the simplest
            > solution, the final goal maybe to modified workflow (i
            need to check the
            > details)
            > I will spend some time on thinking and then start
            working on that and
            > share if i have some working solution ;)
            > Kind Regards
            > On 08.07.2014 19:34, Pedro Manuel Baeza Romero wrote:
            >> Hi, Markus,
            >> I adapted some time ago a module that was made by
            another company a
            >> concept more or less like your requirements, but have
            three problems:
            >>   * Module is for 6.1, though I think you won't have
            too much troubles
            >>     to port it to 7.0/8.0.
            >>   * Modularity: code for importing a specific spanish
            file format is
            >>     mixed in the module, because the budget was very
            restrictive and it
            >>     was not possible to split it.
            >>   * And the main problem is that the original approach
            takes the invoice
            >>     as the base for the payment return, instead of the
            account move
            >>     lines, so it has problems with invoices with more
            than one payment
            >>     terms. This is much more difficult to change, and
            I wasn't able to
            >>     do it also in the budget I had.
            >> If you work a little in this, this can be an excellent
            OCA module. Let
            >> me know if you have any doubt.
            >> Regards.
            >> 2014-07-08 17:55 GMT+02:00 Markus Schneider
            >> <mailto:markus.schneider@xxxxxxxxxx
            >>     Hi community,
            >>     My situation:
            >>     A customer has a order paying with a external
            payment gateway. We
            >>     generating a invoice and we see the money on our
            bank account we
            >>     reconcile the invoice as paid. Everything fine.
            >>     The problem:
            >>     Now it is possible that the customer can go to his
            bank and return his
            >>     money. In this case, we want to add a new
            account.move and link it to
            >>     the existing invoice and set them back to unpaid.
            (Reconsile it later if
            >>     he pay with a other payment method or send him
            payment reminder and all
            >>     the payment follow-up stuff).
            >>     Hint:
            >>     We don't want to modified the existing
            account.move and avoid cancel in
            >>     accounting.
            >>     Question:
            >>     Has someone implement a module doing this or
            something similar?
            >>     Kind Regards
            >>     Markus
            >>     --
            >>     ?Dipl.-Comp.-Math. Markus Schneider
            >>     Softwareentwickler
            >>     initOS GmbH & Co. KG
            >>     An der Eisenbahn 1
            >>     21224 Rosengarten
            >>     Mobil: +49 (0)172 2303699
            >>     Phone: +49 (0)4105 5615613
            >>     Fax: +49 (0)4105 5615610
            >>     Email: markus.schneider@xxxxxxxxxx
            >>     <mailto:markus.schneider@xxxxxxxxxx
            >>     Web: http://www.initos.com
            >>     Geschäftsführung:
            >>     Dipl. Wirt.-Inf. Frederik Kramer & Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
            Torsten Francke
            >>     Haftende Gesellschafterin: initOS Verwaltungs GmbH
            >>     Sitz der Gesellschaft: Rosengarten -- Klecken
            >>     Amtsgericht Tostedt, HRA 201840
            >>     USt-IdNr: DE 275698169
            >>     Steuer-Nr: 15/205/21402
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            ?Dipl.-Comp.-Math. Markus Schneider

            initOS GmbH & Co. KG
            An der Eisenbahn 1
            21224 Rosengarten

            Mobil: +49 (0)172 2303699 <tel:%2B49%20%280%29172%202303699>
            Phone: +49 (0)4105 5615613
            Fax: +49 (0)4105 5615610 <tel:%2B49%20%280%294105%205615610>

            Email: markus.schneider@xxxxxxxxxx
            Web: http://www.initos.com

            Dipl. Wirt.-Inf. Frederik Kramer & Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
            Torsten Francke
            Haftende Gesellschafterin: initOS Verwaltungs GmbH

            Sitz der Gesellschaft: Rosengarten -- Klecken
            Amtsgericht Tostedt, HRA 201840
            USt-IdNr: DE 275698169
            Steuer-Nr: 15/205/21402

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-- Ferdinand Gassauer
        ChriCar Bet. u. Ber. GmbH

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Ferdinand Gassauer
ChriCar Bet. u. Ber. GmbH
