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openerp-community team
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Message #06715
Re: odoo vertical-medical
As a reminder,
it was decided by Joël Grandguillaume and agreed here that as for OCA
modules, they shouldn't carry the "Odoo" trademark inside their name to
avoid coupling issues in case of future re-branding from any party. Then I
guess we wouldn't want Odoo in the logo either.
But this is for OCA. So far Medical is not OCA. It can becomes eventually
but I'm not sure at this point (not me deciding anyway).
Basically something can enter OCA both if it's important to active OCA
reviewers and if quality is high enough. OCA cannot afford being a
throw-any-code-charity-maintenance option either, as that wouldn't work and
would just add up to frustrations.
I personally will suggest people will be allowed to submit X lines of new
modules to OCA only every Y qualified code review they do (with controls).
A simple rule that could later ensure code review isn't the bottleneck as
it is these days. Anyway, it's slowly but surely ramping up, one cannot
expect things like that be perfect overnight given the overall battlefield
like context of these milestones and surprise rebranding.
Raphaël Valyi
Founder and consultant <!/rvalyi>
+55 21 3942-2434
On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Marcelo Bello <marcelo.bello@xxxxxxxxx>
> Is naming it "Odoo Medical" an option at all? Can anyone create a piece of
> software and call it "Odoo Something"? Even if SA agrees to calling it
> "Odoo Medical", does anyone understands the good/bad implications of using
> their trademark in the naming of a community module?
> AFAIK Odoo is a trademark that belongs to a private company. I do not
> want to start a thread of conspiracy theories, etc but to me it feels like
> someone writing a new piece of software/module on top of Odoo should not
> even want to call it "Odoo Something", because it is not Odoo, it is
> something else that runs on top of Odoo and this "something else" by the
> way was not even developed by Odoo (the company) itself so how come naming
> it "Odoo Something" could make any sense?
> What you are trying to accomplish (make it clear that the software is
> designed to run on Odoo) maybe should be accomplished in a different way.
> And maybe the community should start thinking about it now and decide what
> is the best way forward for the naming of such software so we can have some
> kind of best practice.
> if we think about iphone apps, android apps, etc, such necessity to
> link the software to the platform the software runs on is unnecessary
> because there is a specific marketplace for the platform. If likewise
> Medical is advertised on the Odoo marketplace and it is hosted on OCA or
> some other repository specific to Odoo then I would say naming it "Medical"
> would be sufficient (and the logo could have a phrase like "built for Odoo"
> to create the link you want when the app is viewed outside a Odoo context).
> My 2 cts.
> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Luis Panozzo <luis.panozzo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Unfortunatelly OCA is not a recognized brand .... Only the ant may help
>> Luis Panozzo (Lp)
>> Technology Manager
>> Elmatica AS
>> luis.panozzo@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Skype: luispanozzo
>> On 5 August 2014 19:48, Mario Arias <the.clone.master@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Like this one...
>>> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Mario Arias <the.clone.master@xxxxxxxxx
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Good question Luis... Now we just need to wait for a good answer...
>>>> If there are problems, we could swap odoo with oca logo.... ant
>>>> included... ;-)
>>>> Regards,
>>>> -Mario
>>>> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Luis Panozzo <
>>>> luis.panozzo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Is there an approval from Odoo to mess up with their logo?
>>>>> I am sure that is a registered element and regardless of how the
>>>>> community votes we would still need their approval and sanction.
>>>>> Lp
>>>>> Luis Panozzo (Lp)
>>>>> Technology Manager
>>>>> Elmatica AS
>>>>> luis.panozzo@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Skype: luispanozzo
>>>>> On 5 August 2014 17:41, Mario Arias <the.clone.master@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> +1 A lot cleaner. Thanks Pedro !!
>>>>>> Any opinions from OCA board ? The idea is to get a logo for this
>>>>>> vertical and include it on the website...
>>>>>> There are also proposals to use differentiated color schemas on logos
>>>>>> for OCA / community projects... How should we proceed, voting ?
>>>>>> As soon as we make the code change proposals on git, we would like
>>>>>> to help improve content on the site... We first need a working project
>>>>>> before marketing... ;-)
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> -Mario
>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 3:14 AM, Pedro Manuel Baeza Romero <
>>>>>> pedro.baeza@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> I like this one.
>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>> 2014-08-05 11:11 GMT+02:00 Mario Arias <the.clone.master@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>>> About fonts... on "medical" I am using the font that S.A. is using
>>>>>>>> for the official apps logos...
>>>>>>>> Same goes for colors, I am using the ones blessed by S.A.
>>>>>>>> You can check
>>>>>>>> Not sure if that is good or not, but at least will avoid a "fonts
>>>>>>>> and colors war" were each one likes a different one... ;-)
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> -Mario
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 3:02 AM, Kitsikpui Elliot Elikplim <
>>>>>>>> ekitsikpui5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> The logo loos good, just a few suggestions from my end.
>>>>>>>>> 1. The Font of the med should be same as that of the Odoo
>>>>>>>>> 2. The space between the Odoo and Med should be closed up a little
>>>>>>>>> more.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks and look forward to seeing your module come out in time.
>>>>>>>>> Warm Regards & Stay Creative!
>>>>>>>>> Elikplim Elliot Kitsikpui
>>>>>>>>> +233 27 193 1935 | +233288312658
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>>>>>>>>> If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate,
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>>>>>>>>> > On 5 Aug 2014, at 06:51, Mario Arias <the.clone.master@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > We have been working on the medical vertical for some time now,
>>>>>>>>> and will be loading soon a proposal to github that adds several features
>>>>>>>>> like:
>>>>>>>>> > • SMS/email templates for appointment
>>>>>>>>> creation/modification/cancellation
>>>>>>>>> > • Multi medical center, allowing a physician to work in
>>>>>>>>> more than one center and controlling the agendas consolidated per physician
>>>>>>>>> and per medical center.
>>>>>>>>> > • Weekly agenda template, so physicians and assistants
>>>>>>>>> only need to select an empy slot and fill some fields...
>>>>>>>>> > • Multi level access: physician, assistants, call center
>>>>>>>>> operators...
>>>>>>>>> > • Updated Invoicing
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > And after that...
>>>>>>>>> > • Rename from oemedical to OdooMed
>>>>>>>>> > • QR barcodes
>>>>>>>>> > • Updated to new 8.0 features (qweb reports, new API, ...)
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > In the mean time, what do you think of this logo...
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > <odoo_med_cmyk.png>
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > If you like it for the OCA page / project, let me know and I
>>>>>>>>> will provide the .svg file...
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Regards,
>>>>>>>>> > -Mario
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