openerp-expert-accounting team mailing list archive
openerp-expert-accounting team
Mailing list archive
Message #00736
Re: Reverse accounting entriescancelling invoices
I understand your opinion Ferdinand and I agree with you.
But don't forget that we can have small clients => the tool should be
flexible enough and it should be possible to choose if we would automatize
cancelling entries and/or refund or simply be possible to change and/or
delete an invoice without any entries.
I think if there the "Allow cancelling entries" is active so we do
cancelling entries and if not, we just delete the entry ! In this last
alternative, it should be really good to have the possibily to reuse
"invoice number" and "entries number".
In Switzerland there is no regulation saying that it is not possible to
delete invoices......
Luc Maurer
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